Personal Trainers in Utah

Certified Personal Trainer 6 years experience
Mike Murphy
American Fork, Utah 84003
- Strength Building
- Body Building
- Weight Loss
- Rehabilitation
- Aerobics
- Body Sculpting
I train with the weights as well as what I call, High-Intensity Interval Training. I also run a fitness bootcamp
More details about American Fork, Utah Personal Trainer Mike MurphyHigh success rate for total fitness and weight loss.
Diane Mohlman
Herriman, Utah 84096
- Strength Building
- Body Building
- Weight Loss
- Rehabilitation
- Body Sculpting
- Running, Boot Camps, Private gro
Transformation Training with Laura Butters
Laura Butters
Layton, Utah 84041
- Strength Building
- Weight Loss
- Rehabilitation
- Aerobics
- Muscle Balance
Based on each of my clients goals and current level of fitness, I develop a program to help them with either weight loss, hypertrophy (building muscle), or gaining strength. I include monthly measurements/body fat testing to aid in tracking progress as well as motivating my clients. I also do a quarterly fitness assessment with each of my clients to ensure that each of them is progressing in each of the areas needed to maintain a high quality of life and good overall health. These include endurance, strength and flexibility. I am uniquely positioned over other personal trainers because, on a very personal level, I understand the challenges that are faced when trying to lose weight. True, there are a lot of struggles that come with losing weight. From self-esteem and motivation level to exercise and eating habits, I can help you overcome those challenges to achieve the transformation you want.
More details about Layton, Utah Personal Trainer Laura ButtersBMRfit
Brandon Rogers
Lewiston, Utah 84320
- Strength Building
- Weight Loss
- Body Sculpting
- Core strengthening, Nutritional
I am Brandon Rogers, The Body and Mind Transformation Coach. I'm part of a health revolution that will take this world by storm. We are changing REAL lives with REAL information that disrupts the fitness industry bacause it produces REAL results. We believe that for the body to change, the mind must change first. The inward vessel shall be cleansed first, and then shall the outer vessel be cleansed also. We are the resistance that the fitness cartel fears because of our dedication to truth, knowledge and application. Not what fad is goind to drive the highest dollar. We are the Warriors of BMRfit!
More details about Lewiston, Utah Personal Trainer Brandon RogersCertified Personal Trainer/Salt Lake City
Michelle Allard
Midvale, Utah 84047
- Strength Building
- Weight Loss
- Spin
- ski conditioning
I am an NSCA certified personal trainer. I also enjoy hiking, biking, and skiing. I know lots of trails around the Salt Lake Valley to change up the workouts and escape boredom.
More details about Midvale, Utah Personal Trainer Michelle AllardUtah County Pesonal Trainer - Do Performance and Fitness
John Gibson
Orem, Utah 84058
- Strength Building
- Weight Loss
Do Performance and Fitness is Utah County's Premier Personal Training company. We provide the best service in Utah County.
More details about Orem, Utah Personal Trainer John GibsonPersonal Tranining and Self Defense.
Alyssa Krug
Orem, Utah 84057
- Strength Building
- Weight Loss
- Rehabilitation
- Yoga
- Aerobics
- Taichi
- Kick Boxing
- Body Sculpting
- bootcamp, and self defense
I use many methods from my 15 years of martial arts. I mix MMA, Tai Chi, kick boxing, dance, weight lifting, stability, endurance, flexibility, and cardio and contour a program that is right for you.
More details about Orem, Utah Personal Trainer Alyssa KrugLifestyle and Transformation Expert
Braydon Barrett
Orem, Utah 84058
- Strength Building
- Body Building
- Weight Loss
- Body Sculpting
- Obesity
Trainers are always given a bad reputation for being "muscle heads". I don't see myself as a trainer, but as a Lifestyle Coach. I want to see you succeed and reach your goals, but also see your life change for the better. I want to see you happy!
More details about Orem, Utah Personal Trainer Braydon BarrettHead Personal Trainer
Connor Hansen
Pleasant Grove, Utah 84062
- Strength Building
- Body Building
- Weight Loss
- Rehabilitation
- Body Sculpting
Personal training one-on-one or in small groups is ideal to help you achieve your specific goals. Burning fat, building muscle, and improving mobility are our specialty, and we will cater to whatever you need and design out a program to help get you there.
More details about Pleasant Grove, Utah Personal Trainer Connor HansenOffering Personal Training and Cross Training Classes
Travis Lott
Provo, Utah 84606
- Strength Building
- Weight Loss
- Rehabilitation
- Aerobics
Functional training including the following: Strength Endurance Core Cardiovascular sessions only cost $10 for a limited time.
More details about Provo, Utah Personal Trainer Travis LottPersonal Fitness Trainer in Provo - Laura Neuffer
Provo, Utah
The best in Utah fitness. Whatever your goal is we will make it happen.
Joe Semanoff
Randolph, Utah 84064
- Strength Building
- Body Building
- Weight Loss
- Rehabilitation
- Body Sculpting
I enjoy incorporating stability and body weight exercises in my training to make daily tasks in your life easier. No matter what your goals are it is important to reach them safely without injury.
More details about Randolph, Utah Personal Trainer Joe SemanoffChanging the World one Body, Mind and Soul at a Time!
Tiffany Saul
Roy, Utah 84067
- Strength Building
- Weight Loss
- Rehabilitation
- Kick Boxing
- Sports Specific
I am here to direct, lead, and motivate you to reach your goals. I worked for 3 years in the medical field as a perfusionist. This allowed me to see what unhealthy eating and lack of exercise can do to you. Not just on the outside, but literally to your insides, as well as, to your self esteem. I am here to be the prevention/correction of the damage to your body. I am here to change the World one Body, Mind and Soul at at time, because being healthy is a LIFESTYLE Change!
More details about Roy, Utah Personal Trainer Tiffany SaulTraining without a gym Pass!
Matt Hardman
Salt Lake City, Utah 84103
- Strength Building
- Body Building
- Weight Loss
- Rehabilitation
- Competition Prep
I am studying to become a Physical Therapist and my course work has given me great in depth knowledge of how the body works. I put this to use in my training to give you the best results with the lowest risk of injury possible. I train at "The Fitness Center at Foothill Village," and also at "The Alta Club." You do have to be a member of the Alta Club to recieve training there.
More details about Salt Lake City, Utah Personal Trainer Matt
nick remy
Salt Lake City, Utah 84109
- Strength Building
- Body Building
- Weight Loss
- Rehabilitation
- Aerobics
- Spin
- Body Sculpting
- bootcamp
I love working one on one with my clients, and pushing them past their limits. I will help you reach your full potential. I know that being healthy and fit can dramatically improve a persons quality of life. Fitness helps your physical and emotion well being. I will make you sweat ,but I will also make you smile!
More details about Salt Lake City, Utah Personal Trainer nick remyDoesn't it feel good to sweat?
Jeff Stewart
Salt Lake City, Utah 84120
- Strength Building
- Body Building
- Weight Loss
- Rehabilitation
Affordable monthly personal training fees
Chris orgill
Salt Lake City, Utah 84105
- Strength Building
- Body Building
- Weight Loss
- Yoga
- Aerobics
- Kick Boxing
- Body Sculpting
- assisted stretching
I train at 3300 south 910 east slc Utah in sugar house. Also do In home where I will travel to your home and train you in the privacy of your own home. Exercise specialty You get A personalized for your pacific goal ……… on one personal training, with your own personal trainer……..Dietary plans……….. Fitness assessment………assisted stretching………a challenge program that challenges you physically………personalize service…………….In home personal training…………..Each session includes corrective exercise…………resistance training………….Aerobic…………….Strength and flexibility…………nutrition……Professional…..assistant…..Monthly contracts that sets how many session the client want in a week. Price range 30 minute session $15.00 60 minute session $30.00 weekly payment every first session at the beginning of the week. My personal training components. I use fitness assessments warm ups, core workout, balance, core respirator training, flexibility, reactive speed and agility, speed, strength, endurance, and balance to help achieve your fitness goals.
More details about Salt Lake City, Utah Personal Trainer Chris orgillPersonal Training, Nutrition, Competition Preparation, weight loss, lifestyle change.
Nate Petersen
Salt Lake City, Utah 84106
- Strength Building
- Body Building
- Weight Loss
- Rehabilitation
- Body Sculpting
- Competition Preparation
The one-on-one programs created provide state of the art training, nutritional advice and health information specifically tailored to meet the individual needs of men and women of all ages from beginner to advanced levels.
More details about Salt Lake City, Utah Personal Trainer Nate PetersenSugar House area trainer
Garrett Schomas
Salt Lake City, Utah 84105
- Strength Building
- Body Building
- Weight Loss
- Cardiovascular/ Flexibility
$50 per session - package deal discounts ACE/NSCA Certified 2 years experience MULTIPLE TRAINING SITES NUTRITIONAL GUIDANCE
More details about Salt Lake City, Utah Personal Trainer Garrett SchomasTaylor Empey - Salt Lake City Certified Personal Trainer
Taylor Empey
Salt Lake City, Utah 84106
- Strength Building
- Body Building
- Weight Loss
- Rehabilitation
- Aerobics
- Kick Boxing
- Body Sculpting
I work with people through online personal training programs as well as in person training. I have had much experience in this industry, and delivered many individuals great results. You should expect be listened to, expect to be educated, and expect to get results when you work with me. That is the type of quality training you deserve and I deliver.
More details about Salt Lake City, Utah Personal Trainer Taylor EmpeyTrue Strength Coach
Conner Day
Salt Lake City, Utah 84105
- Strength Building
- Body Building
- Weight Loss
- Body Sculpting
If you are not sure you want to change; if you don't know you want to transform your life; if you are not willing to pay the price for change, if you can't invest in your health, I don't want to train you.
More details about Salt Lake City, Utah Personal Trainer Conner Day"When the student is ready, the master appears."
Andy McDonald
Salt Lake City, Utah 84104
- Strength Building
- Weight Loss
- Kick Boxing
- Body Sculpting
- Boxing
There is an old saying that goes: "When the student is ready, the master appears." There is an ancient force inside you that has led you to me; there is a void in yourself that you want to fill. A voice whispers to you, beckoning you to place your foot upon the field of battle. There is an ancient force, a warrior spirit, that begs to be fed and refuses to be ignored. This voice has led you unto me, and it begs you to take my hand. It whispers to me as well, it pleads with me to take the hand of a ready student and to lead her down the path of the warrior. As we walk the path together, we will study the art of war at its most basic level: the mastery of hand to hand combat. In cultivating the warrior spirit inside you we will visit the four animal styles of American Kung Fu: bear style, tiger style, crane style, and viper style. The warrior that exists in you is unique to all other warrior spirits. Together, we will summon your warrior spirit, identify your strengths, minimize your weaknesses, and discover which animal style is the most similar to your warrior spirit and we will use that animal style as the base of your own personal style. The path of the warrior is not easy. First, you must experience the spirit of the cricket. Your body will become tired and you will consider surrender many times over just as the cricket lives and dies throughout the seasons of war. You must do as I do, as the cricket follows the swarm of locust. As you feed and gain strength with within the safety of the swarm, your body will survive the seasons. As your body learns to survive the chills of a war's winter, you will learn to prey on the warrior spirits of others. You will then learn to be fierce like the tiger and you will begin to master the take-down of your quarry. Simultaneously, you must learn grace, beauty, and accuracy like the crane. As the wisdom of your warrior spirit grows, you will begin to learn the cunning and trickery of the snake. But perhaps most importantly, you must learn the patience and persistence of the polar bear. As the polar bear waits patiently over breaks in the ice for hours upon end in the blistering cold for a chance to snatch a surfacing seal in search for a breath of air, you must wait and you must be persistent in order to feed your warrior spirit with the spoils of war.
More details about Salt Lake City, Utah Personal Trainer Andy McDonaldFat off Muscle on
Boof T. Nardoon
Salt Lake City, Utah 84101
- Body Sculpting
- Nutrition meal service
Taking time to get yourself into the gym might take a lifetime. Stop here and get yourself into shape today. Allow a professional to guide you to the body you have always wanted.
More details about Salt Lake City, Utah Personal Trainer Boof T. NardoonPost-Rehab and Flexibility Specialist
Audrey Gygi
Salt Lake City, Utah 84109
- Strength Building
- Weight Loss
- Rehabilitation
- Body Sculpting
- Assisted Stretching
There is nothing more rewarding than to have a client come to you, with a huge smile on their face, and say how the pain in their back and joints is gone. Or, that they can now fit into their skinny jeans. Or, that they are finally able to walk up a flight of stairs without getting winded. Or, how they can drive a golf ball an extra 50 yards, and the list goes on and on. This is why I got into the Fitness Industry; to help people be healthier, happier, and to improve their quality of life!
More details about Salt Lake City, Utah Personal Trainer Audrey GygiNourishing nutrition, Challenging training, Real results.
Shelley Cucinotta
Sandy, Utah 84093
- Strength Building
- Body Building
- Weight Loss
- Rehabilitation
- corrective exercise, nutrition c
I believe nutrition, physical fitness and mental strength all play an equal factor in reaching optimal health. I coach in all these areas to help my clients achieve optimal health.
More details about Sandy, Utah Personal Trainer Shelley CucinottaWeight-loss & Body Sculpting for Women
Sandy Hancock
South Jordan, Utah 84095
- Strength Building
- Body Building
- Weight Loss
- Body Sculpting
I specialize in weight-loss and body sculpting for women. The benefits of body sculpting changes body composition by lowering body fat and increasing muscle mass to speed metabolism for weight loss. Weight training along with a structured nutrition plan, cardio program and accountability insures you will get the results you are looking for.
More details about South Jordan, Utah Personal Trainer Sandy HancockPersonal Trainer
Thomas Grove
South Jordan, Utah 84095
- Strength Building
- Body Building
- Weight Loss
- Rehabilitation
- Body Sculpting
Adventure Fitness Trainer, Boot Camp Instructor
Brad Behle
South Jordan, Utah 84095
- Strength Building
- Weight Loss
- Rehabilitation
- Aerobics
- Body Sculpting
- Kettlebells
Brad owns Wasatch Adventure Boot Camp where they focus on teaching the importance of being functionally fit both physically and mentally. Staying active and fit is a lifestyle Brad enjoys living. After a car accident that left him with an injured back, he found Kettlebells to play a huge role in strengthening his back and core. He loves seeing people do new things and stepping out of their comfort zones. He feels people are at their best when they take care of their health and fitness and knows we can all use help and encouragement. See Boot Camp and Kettlebell training on channel 2 news: Brad's Paddle to Battle Cancer:
More details about South Jordan, Utah Personal Trainer Brad BehleSmall Group Personal Training in West Jordan
Daniel Wilde
West Jordan, Utah 84088
- Strength Building
- Weight Loss
- Body Sculpting
Prymal Fitness offers several different training packages. Packages include group training sessions, personal fitness assessment, and regular one-on-one sessions with your trainer.
More details about West Jordan, Utah Personal Trainer Daniel WildeFitness Lifestyle Coach
Donyale West
West Jordan, Utah 84088
- Strength Building
- Weight Loss
- Body Sculpting
On Your Level fitness provides support to help you reach your goals. Clients not only get great fun workout but they get the motivation to change their entire lifestyle.
More details about West Jordan, Utah Personal Trainer Donyale WestUtah Personal Trainers
Would you even fathom building your dream home if you didn’t have the proper tools or knowledge to build it? Of course not, you would hire a team of professionals to build the house of your dreams.
If the carpenter showed up without his toolbox and the architect learned their drafting skills in grade school art class your dream home would be something that Little Red Riding Hood’s wolf wouldn’t even waste his breath on.
A Utah personal trainer is an expert when it comes to health and fitness; they have a toolbox full of knowledge that would knock the socks off of Albert Einstein. Allowing your Utah personal trainer the opportunity to help you build your perfect body and perfect health is the blueprint of success.
You will learn how to maintain your mental and physical health and you will have a new clarity about life and new confidence about the new you! Personal trainers in American Fork like to use nature as the gym for fitness training and exercise. Disk golf has a multitude of health benefits. A game of disk golf with your American Fork personal trainer will provide you with both physical and mental fitness benefits. Disk golf provides total body conditioning along with aerobic exercise. You will also increase your concentration and balance skills trying to navigate obstacles while focusing on making the shot.
A unique exercise that will break up your fitness routine and allow you to take in the fresh air and sunshine that South Jordan has to offer is Frisbee. This is a great way to achieve fitness and burn extra calories to lose weight. Did you ever in your wildest dreams even think about your dog being a fitness buddy? Playing a game of Frisbee with your dog will help keep you motivated and on track when you are maintaining your fitness goals on your own. Dogs love to play Frisbee and will reward you with lots of love and support to keep you focused on your health goals.
Midvale personal trainers have many choices of training for their clients. They will compose a fitness program for you that will use a combination of strength training, yoga and aerobic exercise. The combination of training depends on your fitness goals and health concerns.
Working with a Salt Lake City personal trainer will keep you on a regular workout regimen and implement healthy diet and lifestyle changes. This will improve your muscle tone; give you healthy skin, hair and nails. These are all general appearance markers of good health, and when you start to notice the changes on the outside of your body you can finally begin to realize what wonderful health changes are taking place on the inside of your body.
Your choice to ask a Utah personal trainer to accompany you on your new journey is very courageous. Calling your personal trainer today will lay the foundation for the construction of your dream body.