Personal Trainers in La Pine, Oregon

Personal Trainers in La Pine, Oregon

Personal Trainer scott forrester

unlock your potential , improve your health, achieve your dreams

scott forrester

La Pine, Oregon 97739


  • Strength Building
  • Body Building
  • Weight Loss
  • Rehabilitation
  • Aerobics
  • Body Sculpting

I place an emphasis on mind/body unity.The mind teaches the body and the body teaches the mind. Few of us reach our absolute potential so this process of learning in ongoing through life. I believe that everyone starts from the place they are today. A number of mind/body disciplines have been developed but I do not start with preconceived ideas about each client. A series of sessions is designed to progress each client toward his/her individual goals. I use techniques that vary with each client. I teach aerobic principles, weight training and body sculpting, running, relaxation , flexibility, improved body usage, senior fitness, and weight loss

More details about La Pine, Oregon Personal Trainer scott forrester