Personal Trainers in Willoughby, Ohio
Personal Trainers in Willoughby, Ohio
Certififed through the NSCA and NPTI
Jason Bickel
Willoughby, Ohio 44094
- Strength Building
- Weight Loss
- Sport Specific Training
Jason has been involved in personal training, speed development, sport specific training and bootcamp style training since 2003. His experiences range from the design and implementation of programs for the general public as well as professional, collegiate and high school athletes. He is a graduate of the National Personal Training Institutes 500 hour program and is also currently a part time instructor on their staff in Richmond Heights and is also certified through the National Strength & Conditioning Association. Jason is an AdvoCare distributor and is currently working on a degree in psychology.
More details about Willoughby, Ohio Personal Trainer Jason BickelAl The Great
Albert Johnson
Willoughby, Ohio 44094
- Strength Building
- Weight Loss
- Aerobics
- Body Sculpting
- Endurance Training