Personal Trainers in Wadsworth, Ohio
Personal Trainers in Wadsworth, Ohio
I focus on constructing individual exercise programs designed to meet each client's goals.
Ryan Weisenbacher
Wadsworth, Ohio 44281
- Strength Building
- Body Building
- Weight Loss
- Aerobics
- Body Sculpting
I am a big believer of muscle confusion and shocking the muscles. I try to mix in resistance training (strength and/or endurance), cardio training, explosive movements, core and abs together. This challenges the body which leads to quicker gains and faster goal accomplishments. I like to have my clients perform different workouts each time to constantly shock their bodies and prevent boredom/ monotony. You may only do the same workout twice a year. I like to have my clients do movements/ exercises they would do in everyday life. Example, people bend over to pick up things like a box, so an exercise I would have them do would be a squat and curl to simulate that movement. I also try to concentrate on strengthening the back, core and leg muscles; since we are mostly in flexion and/or most people have bad posture. Having a strong back and core can help prevent so many common injuries; for example: back problems, hernias and knee problems. I try to focus on compound movements and supersets to help use as much inner cellular energy as possible.
More details about Wadsworth, Ohio Personal Trainer Ryan Weisenbacher