Personal Trainers in Wichita, Kansas

Personal Trainers in Wichita, Kansas

Personal Trainer Michael  Raab

"fitness for the whole person"

Michael Raab

Wichita, Kansas 67226


  • Strength Building

Variety. This word conveys the idea that exercise is not just boring repetition, but it can be interesting. Depending on the likes and dislikes of my client, I can sculpt a program that will suit him. Weights, no weights, or everyday items will do to help strengthen the body and cause it to function the way it was designed to function.

More details about Wichita, Kansas Personal Trainer Michael Raab
Personal Trainer Kathy Draper

Transformation Coach

Kathy Draper

Wichita, Kansas 67207


  • Strength Building
  • Weight Loss
  • Rehabilitation
  • Body Sculpting
  • Tranformation Nutrition Coach

Personal Training and nutrition coaching

More details about Wichita, Kansas Personal Trainer Kathy Draper