Personal Training And Coaching

Victor Negron - (305) 814-2373

Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33314

Trains both men and women.

contact trainer


  • Strength Building
  • Body Building
  • Weight Loss
  • Circuit Training

Training Locations

  • home
  • work
  • gym


  • CI-CFS

Personal Trainer Overview

I am committed to help you achieve your weight loss and body composition goals. My Journey started when I got frustrated by all the advices and all the "most-ultimate-top-of-the-line-diet-and-exercise-programs". I decided to find my way to wellness and fitness, and I want to help you find yours too!!!!

Training Philosophy

If you want to achieve something you need to have laser focus long enough to get. My personal approach to training and coaching can help you do that.


Cooper Institute.


Functional resistance training. You can expect increase in endurance, strength and core stability. You can also expect to decrease body fat while improving balance and posture. I take a systemic and holistic approach to human performance, and I strive to give people the tools they need to perform better, prevent injuries, and increase the functional level of activities in everyday life. I specifically look for the most effective, efficient and exciting program for every client. I take in consideration every individual's background, goals and safety concerns in order to provide the best service that I can provide!