Build Strength Inside and Out!
Tsveti Kern - (609) 290-3201
Hackensack, New Jersey 07601
Trains both men and women.
contact trainer
- Strength Building
- Body Building
- Weight Loss
- Rehabilitation
- Aerobics
- Body Sculpting
Training Locations
- home
- work
- outdoor
Personal Trainer Overview
Our trainers take your fitness goals seriously. We understand that losing weight and gaining muscle can be challenging, and our goal is to help you overcome hurdles and reach your goals. We know the hardest part is to find time, so we work together on your schedule and build a flexible workout program that fits your lifestyle. With years of success and experience, we are capable of analyzing your body and creating a fitness program that will help you reach your goals. We will work with you to keep you on track and motivated to reach your goals. We understand that adapting new fitness habits is difficult and often times fails. Our goal is to change your view on fitness, so that it becomes apart of who you are and your lifestyle. We strongly believe that if you practice healthy habits, you will be able to obtain a healthy lifestyle.
Training Philosophy
I am fully dedicated to my clients and guide them every step of the way to reach their goals and change their lives forever. There is no secret formula or a magic pill, only dedication and drive to really do something good for yourself. I don't use cookie cutter diets or same old fitness routines with way too much cardio. Instead, I work with my clients to find what works best for their bodies, giving them healthy nutrition recommendations that they can follow for life without falling into the yo-yo dieting trap. I help my clients manage their time and work together on their schedule so they can fit exercise into their daily life. So no more excuses that you do not have time. We will make time for fitness and your body will thank you for it. I can't wait to get started with you!
National Academy of Sports Medicine
My fitness journey began 7 years ago, when I was in a really dark place of my life. I lost my mom and my relationship was falling apart...I did not have any desire to workout, my nutrition was terrible, I had no social life and all of that was impacting my health in a very bad way. I gained weight, developed thyroid dysfunction, I had hormonal imbalances, high cholesterol, vitamin deficiency, my skin was itchy and flaky, my hair falling out, my nails brittle...Yeah my body was not liking me. I knew I had to make a change so I relocated my work and started over. Work kept me pretty busy but the little time I had to myself I decided to spend in the gym. Exercise gave me so much energy that it spiked my interest to know more about all fitness related. I began reading and researching bodybuilding and fitness websites. I learned that lifting weights will not make women bulky and it will not make me look manly. I was following different workout routines, using dumbbells, barbells, resistance bands, always trying to learn and try new exercises. I found the fitness routine that worked for me – a combination of cardio, strength training and endurance, that to this day I keep on changing to challenge my body. I realized I need to feed my body with the nutrients it needed – protein, healthy fats and carbs in a balanced diet. Progressively my body responded to the training and nutrition and I felt strong inside and out. My body looked defined and I lost the unnecessary fat. My hair, skin and nails were healthy and strong once again. I no longer needed thyroid medication, my hormones finally got back to normal and cholesterol was within norm. My energy was through the roof and the best part was that I started having a positive, happy outlook on life again! My friends and family were always asking for workout ideas and nutrition advice. That was the moment when I decided that I want to share my passion for fitness and nutrition with others and help them achieve their fitness goals and adopt a healthy lifestyle. I took the next step and I got certified by the National Academy of Sports Medicine as a Personal Trainer.