Personal Trainer,Bedminster and Mount Olive, New Jersey
Todd Dattoli - (908)-399-0071
Long Valley, New Jersey 07853
Trains both men and women.
contact trainer
- Strength Building
- Weight Loss
- Rehabilitation
- Body Sculpting
- nutritional education, functiona
Training Locations
- home
- studio
- IDEA Fitness
- Lifestyle Management Associates
Personal Trainer Overview
Are you looking for an expert NJ Personal Trainer in the Morris County and Somerset County NJ areas to help you Lose Weight and Get Fit? Do you need a Personal Trainer in New Jersey who specializes in Athletic Development and Youth Fitness? Do you need a Personal Fitness Professional who is well qualified to be your son or daughter's Sports Conditioning Coach in the Morris or Somerset County areas? You have come to the right place my friend. My name is Todd Dattoli, and I'm not just your average run-of-the-mill personal trainer. I am a specialist in Human Movement and Performance. Find out why my system of training, the PEAK Your Health, CONDITION Your Body Total Advantage Training & Movement System is the difference between a regular personal trainer and a trained specialist in both Nutrition and Human Movement Performance.
Training Philosophy
My Mission is to create an environment where my clients can adopt a more healthy and fit lifestyle so they look and feel their best. My Vision is to be able to design a personalized fitness, exercise program, weight loss and nutrition program for everyone. In order to achieve this, my purpose as your Fitness Trainer is to be able to provide exceptional care and attention in the following areas: Establishment of a warm, receptive and non-intimidating environment, which facilitates and enhances the learning process. Incorporation of a holistic approach to health and fitness that encompasses cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, nutrition, stress and lifestyle considerations. The development of F U N, effective and efficient exercise programs which offer variety. To offer safe programs where program design takes into consideration all health factors and treats each person as an individual. Not everyone has the same needs or goals. To provide my clients with the knowledge, skills, guidance, support & motivation to enhance the quality of their lives now and on going. To act as an aid in the post-rehabilitation of clients experiencing pain and injury. To network with the appropriate health and fitness professionals regarding the care of a client and incorporate recommendations as needed. To give my complete Commitment, Professionalism, Experience, Winning Attitude, Upbeat Personality, Diversity, Education ...and most importantly... RESULTS!
Masters of Science in Kinesiology (science of human movement) ACE Certified Personal Trainer IYCA Youth Fitness Specialist Lifestyle Management Associates- Nutritional Specialist
I am the founder and owner of Peak Condition, LLC since 1998. I am an ACE Certified Personal Fitness Trainer, IYCA Certified Youth Fitness Specialist, Certified Nutrition Management Specialist, and a Sports Conditioning Coach. I received a Master's in Kinesiology from A.T. Still University in Arizona. Kinesiology is the scientific study of human movement and performance. After I graduated, I accepted a position with ATSU as a part-time adjunct professor, teaching for the Master's program in Kinesiology. In 1998 when I changed careers and opened my own personal training company I decided that I wanted to be part of a solution that helped people with all their health, fitness and performance needs and it has been a decision I am very proud of because I can honestly tell you, I love what I do! I have been involved in fitness training now for 13 years total thus far and I have never looked back. This is not a hobby for me like it is for so many others. Fitness training is not only something I am passionate about, but it embodies who I am. Fitness is my life, my passion, my work, my career. When I get up in the morning, get ready to meet with a client, I look forward to our session together, because I truly feel deep down that I am making a difference in people's lives. To me, if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. It is my mission in life to be a part of the solution that helps people with their well-being!