Highly Recommended and Affordable Personal Trainer!!!
Tim Heath - 330-690-0301
Norwalk, Ohio 44857
Trains both men and women.
contact trainer
- Strength Building
- Body Building
- Weight Loss
- Aerobics
- Kick Boxing
- Body Sculpting
Training Locations
- home
- gym
- work
- outdoors
- On webcam!
- MPH - Masters Public Health CHES - Certified Health Education Specialist ACSM-HFS - American College of Sports Medicine
- Health Fitness Specialist First Aid/CPR
Personal Trainer Overview
What can you handle? How hard will you push yourself? Every time we meet, you'll experience something new - new exercises, new methods; I'll switch up your routine for maximum effectiveness.
Training Philosophy
My main goal as a trainer is to help you reach every goal you set. I will only push you as hard as you want to be pushed. This is a team effort! If you really want it, together we will get it!
There are too many "trainers" and so-called gym rats out there who are putting others in danger due to not having the knowledge or experience to ensure safety and effectiveness. With my experience working with WebMD (, CIGNA, and as a Health Fitness Specialist (ACSM-HFS), I have the education and experience to help you reach your goals in a safe and exciting manner.
Health and Wellness is my life! There is nothing more rewarding than when I see my clients achieve their goals! I have worked as a motivation specialist, health coach, and fitness specialist since 2004 and use all my education and experience to ensure you reach your goals!