Certified personal trainer and sports nutritionist. Dance and fitness instructor
Tiazza Wilson - 541-621-4812
Medford, Oregon 97501
Trains both men and women.
contact trainer
- Strength Building
- Weight Loss
- Aerobics
- Kick Boxing
- Body Sculpting
- boot camp
Training Locations
- home
- gym
- studio
- outdoors
Personal Trainer Overview
Tiazza is a certified personal trainer and sports nutritionist. She has been a fitness and a dance instructor for more than 10 years. She teaches mainly women's fitness boot camps, body sculpting and kickboxing classes. Tiazza also enjoys teaching dance classes. She focuses mainly on belly dancing. She teaches technique classes at the Medford Dance Center and cardio belly dance aerobic classes at the Medford YMCA. She is the choreographer of the professional belly dance company Sahara Bellydancers and has choreographed for many other groups including the Oregon Conservatory of Performing Arts dance team.
Training Philosophy
FITNESS PHILOSOPHY In her own words: I have truly found what I love to do for a living. Having the opportunity to help others improve their health and lives through exercise is what fires me up and gets me jumping out of bed every morning for those early boot camps. I look at exercise as a preventative medicine. Along with being a fitness trainer, I look at myself as a coach, instructor and most importantly a motivator and self-esteem builder. I provide fun, safe and effective fitness and nutritional programs to my clients, enabling them to reach their goals and make fitness a more active part of their life. I know that most students won't be taking boot camp or kickboxing classes for the rest of their lives so I always try to give them ideas on how they could workout on their own and make exercise part of their social life rather than just a class. My fitness formula is simple and includes the following: * Fun, interactive sessions and instruction * The five dimensions of fitness: resistance training, cardio training, flexibility and proper nutrition * Proper form, technique and Biomechanics of all exercise movements for safe and effective training. Simply put, efficiently working muscle while protecting joints and avoiding unnecessary injuries along the way There are many fitness theories out there, it's not a matter of what's right or wrong but it's a matter of what works best for us. here is what I believe when it comes to my fitness philosophy; - Fitness is a long term strategy. It's a continuous cycle of training and recovery. One month session won't change your life, it could be a good inspiration to continue with more sessions or an inspiration to workout on your own - Diets don't work. eat everything you want, just be smart about it and make sure you eat the right foods at the right time - Weight loss cannot be accomplished by doing one hour a week of pilates. If you have a lot of weight to loose, you must work hard, sweat, be sore, feel the pain, hate the trainer ... and get results - Have a goal. Small or big, it will push you and guide you, when you do push ups, decide how many you will do before you start and make yourself go that far and increase the reps as you go. Make it running a marathon or doing a triathlon ...etc. No matter what your goal is, it will guide you, push you and give you a sense of accomplishment. - There is a mental element to my fitness regimen that is just as fundamental as sweat time in the gym. I have a few basic principles I follow, and it helps me stay on track: have patience, be committed and have fun. Sometimes, you don't see immediate results, and frustration can get you off your game if you let it. Patience keeps you focused, and I eventually you will get the results you want. Always try to improve, whether it's holding a plank for one extra minute or doing one more push up. So ask yourself: What do I need to do today to be better than I was yesterday? What am I going to work on tomorrow to be better than I was today? The key to improvement is to commit to your goal and never quit. When working out, don't forget to have fun. Mix up your routine to keep your muscles guessing and to keep yourself from getting bored. If you're working with a trainer or exercising with a friend, challenge each other to make things interesting. Or take a break from the gym altogether and do something that you really enjoy. It's nice to get a change of scenery once in awhile and challenge different muscles. And for extra motivation, a good soundtrack can help. The bottom line is fitness is a personal choice. There isn't a one-size-fits-all way of doing it. Find something that works for you and your body type and stick with it. You'll build good fitness habits for life and have some fun while you're at it. P.S. Everyone says I am too tough, my classes are too hard ...., I don't take it easy on those who like to start easy. If you want easy, sit on your couch. I will always give you an easier version of every exercise if you are weak. I don't get down to your level, I push you to become better and stronger, isn't that why you get a trainer after all? FUN FACTS - Tiazza is originally from Casablanca, Morocco - Tiazza speaks 5 languages fluently: Berber, Arabic, French, English and Spanish - She started kickboxing at the age of 14 and competed until the age of 22 - She spent months traveling around the world. Her travels took her to Canada, Japan, China, Singapore, Vietnam, India, Seychelles, South Africa, Brazil and Cuba - Tiazza is an avid marathon runner. She has completed several marathons and consistently travels to run different marathons around the country and around the world.