Friendly and energetic personal trainer wants you to love moving
Thomas Fahey - 831-425-9500
Santa Cruz, California 95060
Trains both men and women.
contact trainer
- Strength Building
- Body Building
- Weight Loss
- Rehabilitation
- Body Sculpting
Training Locations
- gym
- studio
- outdoors
- NAUI scuba diver
- American Red Cross CPR
- Lima Lama Orange Belt and Level 2 Wing Tsun cert.
Personal Trainer Overview
Workouts are balanced between strength and endurance. The preferred methods are weightlifting and running. There is an emphasis on concentration of mind and emotion. Stretching and breathing is a component of every workout.
Training Philosophy
I believe in setting performance goals vs. weight/appearance goals. I don’t encourage extreme diets; especially high protein diets (carbs are our friends). I believe that fitness should compliment our lives and enrich it but not be our life. To me breaking physical and mental plateaus or perceived limits is the most rewarding aspect of exercise. Take charge and make a change
List previous internships. Include skillsets and training experiences (ex. loss education, Physiology, Pilates, Yoga, Tai Chi, kettlebell training, stability balls, child/geriatric fitness, boot camp instructing, lifestyle management, sports conditioning, group fitness, and adaptive exercise for special populations). At Cuesta College I attended swimming, stretching, circuit training, endurance conditioning, weight lifting, golf, health, sports training(injury treatment), was a member of the track team and captain of the cross country team.
I’ve grown up in Aptos with the close support of my parents and sister. As a child I was overweight and always lost childhood games because I couldn’t move fast. I didn’t know how to get stronger. I wanted to be strong badly; always reading comic books featuring muscled superheroes. At Aptos Jr. High my life was changed by the encouragement and education provided by my PE teacher, Bob Wallace. I began running on my own and joined the Wing Tsun class at Louden Nelson Center. My new superhero was Bruce Lee. I continued to have inspirational coaches at Aptos High including my weightlifting coach Bill Garrison and cross country coach Dan Gruber. After going to Cuesta College for a semester I was out of shape. I took a chance and joined the cross country team; nervous about the level of running the team would be at. Jani Johnson was my coach there and she helped me to again reshape my expectations of myself. I served proudly as the captain in my second season with the Cougars. Now I’m back in Aptos and excited to share my knowledge with everyone.