The Trainer
The Trainer - (541) 490-8717
Hood River, Oregon 97031
Trains both men and women.
contact trainer
- Strength Building
- Body Building
- Weight Loss
- Rehabilitation
- Yoga
- Pilates
- Aerobics
- Kick Boxing
- Body Sculpting
- Functional training
Training Locations
- studio
- outdoor
- Inside and Out!
- Personal Trainer Certified
- Pilates Instructor Certified
- SAQ(Speed
- Agility
- Quckness) Certified Specialist
- Group Fitness Strength Training Certified
Personal Trainer Overview
I train you to live life outside my studio doors! That is functional training, using as many angles as possible because that is what "life" will toss at you! My goal for you is to help you reach the goals that "you" set for yourself! Additionally, you can count on never repeating the same workout, ever! I will always be in your corner but you have to be there with me! Together we are unstoppable! The Trainer
Training Philosophy
1- #"Walkthetalk" 2- always show up 3- do what you can when you can 4- be smart 5- easy is never an option 5- hard is nit the only way
Registered Nurse, Personal Trainer,Pilates Instructor, SAQ(Speed, Agility, Quickness) Specialist, Group Fitness Strength Training, Degree Computer Programming (I do not know if that will be useful to you, but it is something I have got!)
I, The Trainer, grew up on a farm. I developed my passion for fitness while working out in my grandmother's barn. I initially began training after being repeatedly picked on by a bigger boy on the school bus. I soon found out that all I had to do was to develop my body and the bulleys of the world would no longer pick on me. I never had to even raise my clenched fists once! I, The Trainer, have been working out ever since. I moved to Oregon in 2001 and found my love for running mountains. Since then I have run the Pikes Peak Marathon once and the Pikes Peak Ascent 3 times. In 2009 I ran 11 marathons, one half marathon and a 50 miler!