Hamden - Personal Training, Kickbox Group Fitness Exercise Classes & Lose Weight Program
Tania Quinones - 203-927-6681
Hamden, Connecticut 06518
Trains both men and women.
contact trainer
- Strength Building
- Weight Loss
- Aerobics
- Kick Boxing
- Body Sculpting
Training Locations
- home
- gym
- studio
- work
- outdoors
- IFPA Sports Nutrition Specialist
- Certified Transitions Lifestyle Coach
- Nutrametrix Advanced Neutraceutical Consultant
Personal Trainer Overview
It's not about counting calories and burning yourself out in the gym. The body is a logical and amazing machine that when trained properly with true principles of fitness, nutrition and hormone balance it has no choice but to listen and reveal the body you've always wanted. At Get Fit, we believe in promoting health and vitality from the inside out and that means creating a wellness foundation first and building upon it. Our goal for you is to achieve wellness and improve the quality of your life so that you can enjoy your body and find freedom in it. Through education we empower you with the tools you need to attain your health, fat-loss and fitness goals so that you can live a more vibrant, happy and healthy lifestyle free from restriction, limitation and disease while showing off a phenomenal physique!
Training Philosophy
Get it done!