Fitness Trainer, Exercise Therapist, Endurance Coach
shannon small - (713) 385-5774
Houston, Texas 77047
Trains both men and women.
contact trainer
- Strength Building
- Body Building
- Weight Loss
- Rehabilitation
- Yoga
- Pilates
- Aerobics
- run, bike, swim, stretch, body s
Training Locations
- home
- work
- gym
- studio
- outdoor
- ISSA Fitness Trainer ISSA Specialist in Exercise Therapy NEDETA Group Fitness CPR
- 1st aide
Personal Trainer Overview
I am a fitness trainer, coach, and exercise therapist. There is flexibility in location, taking preference to outdoors for plenty Vitamin D. Using your body weight and other tools to get you healthy and keep you healthy for life!
Training Philosophy
This is not a quick fix. It is a life style change. Embrace and enjoy the Journey. Favorite Quotes: 'There is only one moment in time when it is essential to awaken. That moment is now.' -The Buddha "Time wasted creating excuses is better served by creating solutions" S.Small. "Never get in the way of someone doing the thing you said was impossible" -Amelia Earnhardt "To accomplish great things, we must not only act but also dream, not only plan but also believe." Anatole France
I have been involved in athletics my whole life. I am an ultra endurance athlete (running, swimming, triathlon). I grew up involved in gymnastics & track, & was originally a cyclist by necessity to get from points A to B. I have participated in organized sports since j.h. school. I possess a lifetime of training & teaching experience. I have several years training and coaching, and I have been teaching others for too many years to count. I have multiple certifications: Personal Trainer, Specialist in Exercise Therapy, Group, Etc. I also hold 3 degrees: MM, BS, BA. I have had my health struggles which allow me to relate to clients, as most of us have had struggles along the way. I've seen my share of health issues, which led me to yoga and triathlon. Several years ago people began asking me for advice, & it worked for them, & I realized that this is 'teaching' which I'd been doing all my life. So I received certifications as a Group Trainer, Personal Trainer, and Specialist in Exercise Therapy. Then began helping others with their training & nutrition, & overcoming the obstacles of health & medical issues. I couldn't be more satisfied in my life. The 3 things I love the most: "Music, Pets, Fitness". All are linked by love & helping others. Who could ask for anything more?