Certified NSCA-CPT Trainer
Ruben Cobo - (323) 499-7754
Los Angeles, California 90027
Trains both men and women.
contact trainer
- Strength Building
- Body Building
- Weight Loss
- Rehabilitation
- Kick Boxing
- Body Sculpting
- Kettlebell, boxing, Conditioning
Training Locations
- home
- work
- gym
- studio
- outdoor
- NSCA-CPT certified personal trainer. KFCI certified Kettlebell Instructor uder the world record man Gaston Giorlando. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu purple belt under Rafael Ribeiro/Paulao Rezende. National Spanish boxing federation boxing trainer.
Personal Trainer Overview
My training methods are customized, tailored to the different clients. Due my 15 years experience in this business and my vast knowledge of training and nutrition, results are guaranteed.
Training Philosophy
My philosophy is always talk the talk and walk the walk, leading by the front. A personal trainer must be the living example of his words and actions always talking louder than words. Im a trainer that trains, compete and live 24/7 to the fullest. I love to help people to overcome the difficulties they experience, nothing is more regarding to me that a well done job helping another human being to be happy. Let me be your coach and lets reach the goals together.
Bachelors degree in Political Science and International relations - University of Rotterdam,Holland. Conditioning and Strenght coach of MMA Fighter Miguel Angel Hernaiz, BJJ European champion Roberto Nevado and Rugby player David Gugernadze among more than 25 top European athletes, credentials available.
I was born in Madrid, Spain now living in Los Angeles, USA. I also lived in Holland, France and UK. More than 15 years in the business of personal training training all kind of clients, from professional athletes, fighters and law enforcement personal to housewives, lawyers and bankers. My credentials are available for any request. I decided to leave a well paid corporate job to start my own personal trainer business 15 years ago and i never looked back. My philosophy is always help to people, my programs are customized and my results are guaranteed.