RozBodyFit Mobile Personal Training Owner
Rebeca Orozco - 7028001249
Henderson, Nevada 89012
Trains both men and women.
contact trainer
- Strength Building
- Body Building
- Weight Loss
- Rehabilitation
- Yoga
- Body Sculpting
- weightloss
Training Locations
- home
- work
- gym
- outdoor
- Mobile Training
- ISSA International Sports Sciences Association Personal Trainer Certified.
Personal Trainer Overview
Independent Mobile Personal Training Mentorship in Summerlin, Las Vegas Strip, Henderson, Lake Las Vegas. Pricing & Drive Time Policy vary per client out call location. There is a 15-45 min drive policy depending out call location. Please contact RozBodyFit for questions. Restrictions do apply. We Accept Cash, Check, debit/Credit including American Express/Visa/Discover/ 2% CC Fee when paying debit or credit.
Training Philosophy
"Fitness for the Soul" As a health & fitness mentor, I believe in a fun & personalized fitness guide that achieves lasting results. After all it is a new lifestyle my clients and I are rediscovering for them to incorporate into their current lifestyle.
ISSA International Sports Sciences Association Personal Trainer Certified. UNLV Music Education AA UNLV Psychology AA Summit University -
Before I entered the Health & Fitness as well as the Bikini Bodybuilding & Competing world, I was a young girl with big dreams... and BIG thighs as well... I remember being a young girl in high school having to sew my favorite pair of jeans; all because my thighs would rub together and make holes in the pants I would wear the most. Growing up was difficult finding clothes that would fit appropriately due to the fact that I had wider hips and thicker thighs than most girls my age. Yet, I wasn't over weight or anything like that as I was an extremely active teenager. I was honored to lead my amazing High School Marching Band as their Leader basically the band student director -for 3 years in a row! I had the least amount of musical experience than most students, I was a short female, younger sophmore (because I had skipped 4th grade) in a position of authority. Yikes! And, let me tell you at first, most people did not like that not one bit. It was with dedication, love and determination that I was able to attain my spectacular band mates's respect; most important of all, their love! By the end of my high school years... I received the highest award possible for instrumental music as well as leadership called The John Phillip Souza Award. I received this award for elevated instrumental music performance and overall student body leadership. This was the first time this award was presented to any student in the history of Durango High School! All I knew and ever did was feel the highest amount of love I felt for the music I played and for my band! When I stood up on the podium and gave the most incrdible performance to the crowd; I was at the highest vibrational and harmonic place I could be. I will never settle for less than those moments in my life. That feeling was more than any trophy or plaque I could have ever received! I was giving my ALL! I was giving my best and most importantly, I was giving my love! All those days of days of late night practices, early Saturday morning marching pactices, 100 degree Vegas weather Summer-long Drum Major camp days - just to be prepared for my band to have a great 2 week band camp to prepare them to hit the next level for a competition season. I will forever carry those days of practice, sweat, tears, pain, blisters and pride in heart! I remember practicing my instrument until my lips would bleed and couldn't wait a moment longer after the first signs of healing just to get another song in... all because I carried that passion in my soul! It wasn't the hunger of appreciation, trophys or parental attention that drove me... It wasn't an act of running away from my childhood problems and traumas... It was all SOUL! It was all LOVE! After high school and a few years of getting used to "real life" I achieved great success with my Tremendous Body Transformation! I lost a total of 70 lbs and over 10% body fat! I decided to participate in my 1st Bodybuilding Bikini Competion and was nationally qualified top 5 on y first show! I was crowned 4th place on January 31, 2015. I competed for the NPC Legends Classic with the help and expertise of my incredibly talented trainers Gianluca Catapano and Mimi Macias. Without them I would have not been able to get through some of those extremly rough times... I have always had a mentor by my side to teach me and be there for my accountability. I never was able to achieve massive success with out any of my coaches whether they worked with me one on one or if I simply listened to their speaches, seminars or books. I have always received guidance. After competing in 2 shows and achieving a National Qualification, I was a victim of several rear-end motor vehicle accidents back-to-back to back for a couple of years. A total of 6 total car accidents! These motorvehicle accidents (of course) prevented me from being able to continue to bodybuild and forced me to focus on muscle rehabilitation as well as my nutrition in order to keep the results I had achieved to maintain my brand new body and lifestyle. I spent 2 years in muscle rehab and under chiropratic care until recently. Early in 2017 I decided to compete with the Natural Bodybuilding Bikini Competitions for my big come back to the competition stage. I competed May 13, 2017 at the INBA/PNBA International Battle Agaist Cancer Championships crowning 3rd place as well as the OBC Natural Competition show on June2, 2017! I am a huge believer of the saying "GO BIG or GO HOME"! I decided to go big like I always was told to do by my coaches and entrepreneurial mentorship I received growing up as a young professional. That day was day ONE of many... but the greatest thing was that I never stopped or stalled for too long. I kept going and going and going... UNTIL! I have faced many battles and challenges throughout my career, I would be lying if i said the contrary. However, I am extremely thankful for all the painful as well as wonderful experiences. I have endured as a person because that is the actual strength I am mostly proud of is my inner strength! I want to take this moment and thank you all who have supported me throughout my beautiful enlightenment journey. I am the type of person who has become obsessed with changing peoples lives for the better in anyway I can help them. Sometimes the weight room is just a therapy session to the much needed stresses one must relieve themselves of. I have had the priviledge to find and be mentored by some of the highest respected business men as well as health/fitness coaches who have taught me the most effective way to guide and teach clients to a better version of themselves through personal development. I couldn't have ever achieved any of my successess without the leadership and guidance of my mentors. I am here to tell you that I believe in you! I am the coach that will get you through it as I stand by your side from your first DAY ONE and many more to come! Do yourself a favor and make a decision TODAY!!! Change your life!