Anaheim Hills/Yorba Linda Fitness Specialist:
Randy Otomo - 714)260-5804
Orange, California 92856
Trains both men and women.
contact trainer
- Strength Building
- Weight Loss
- Rehabilitation
Training Locations
- home
- gym
- work
- outdoors
- at Valde Fitness studio:
- NASM. Cooper Institute.
Personal Trainer Overview
My fitness training is based on a lot of different methods. Depending upon the client, they can determine what method would work best. It could be a functional fitness style, or sometimes it could be a rehabilitative style that might work best. That should be determined after the fitness assessment. Discuss with the client what you found, and explain the course of action to be taken. That is how I usually work.
Training Philosophy
Every client is different! Injury prevention is number 1, and it very well should be for all trainers. I work on posture, balance, flexibility, cardiovascular conditioning, stabilization, functional training as well. It does matter what you are trying to achieve, if it matters to you, it matters to me! I have been a Fitness trainer for over 16 years, and I believe if you keep your clients healthy, they will take care of you also.
National Academy of Sports Medicine-certification for Personal Training. Cooper Institute of Aerobic Research-workshops or classes in: Special Populations training, Weight Loss/Management. Injury Prevention classes and workshops, sports medicine classes and seminars with Idea Fitness. Senior fitness courses, gerontology courses, stability ball and medicine ball certifications.
I have been a Fitness Trainer for over 16 years. I have worked with some of the most interesting clients and fun loving people in that time frame. I have trained people with: Neck issues, lower back issues, and fused vertebrae, hip replacements, knee replacements, frozen shoulder issues, rotator cuff problems, diabetics, muscular sclerosis, md, stroke, heart attacks, just to name a few. On the other hand, I have also worked with some weekend athletes, high school and college athletes, and also people that want to stay fit. I participate in health workshops regularly, and stay fit year round. I compete in 5k events throughout the year, weight train year round, compete in tennis tournaments, train for cycling endurance rides,, just to name a few things I love.