Rachel Brescia - 6232522256
Phoenix, Arizona 85018
Trains both men and women.
contact trainer
- Strength Building
- Weight Loss
- good nutrition
Training Locations
- home
- work
- outdoors
- apartment complex gyms
- Sports Nutrition Certification
Personal Trainer Overview
We all know the positive effects of exercise, but very few people know the correct way or have the desire to begin or stick with a fitness program. The Body's Ability is an individualized approach to exercise that builds your body, mind, and self-esteem. We will tailor your program based on your goals, physical condition, and limitations. You will receive the support and motivation that is needed to maintain safe and consistent workouts, eating healthy and just an overall healthy lifestyle. The Body's Ability provides you with broad choices in how and where you would like to be trained. You can choose to train in the privacy of your own home, which makes for a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere. Alternatively, our staff can come to your office, or even work with your company to design a program to train many individuals. The One-On-One programs offered by The Body's Ability are perfect for anyone who wants to look and feel better. A properly designed exercise routine will open new roads to self-confidence and inner peace,and undeniabley improving your quality of life. In addition to our personal training services, The Body's Ability also delivers a full range of health services that give people competitive advantage, whether it's in a apartment or condominium complex, community center, We will help you reach the goals that you wish to achieve. If you are not familiar with our company and your first contact with us is online: We would be pleased to hear from you! Please let us know what your needs and questions are, we will be more than happy to help.
Training Philosophy
Reduces some effects of aging Relieves stress and anxiety. Helps keep joints, ligaments, and tendons flexible. Can reduce depression and improve the sense of well being Increases energy and endurance. Increases metabolism, which can help control weight. Reduces the health risks of heart disease, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity. I have the philosophy that its not what you eat, it is more about how you what you want to eat. We will sit down and discuss how and what you eat now What will work best for your schedule and lifestyle for a good eating plan. Show you how to grocery shop to avoid the "bad stuff" Help clean and organize your kitchen to be successful In today's world there is so many different ways to communicate, and I will support my clients for what is best for them. If you need a phone call for motivation, or an email reminder, or just a once a week check in than that is what I will do. Part of getting on a healthy path of life is accountability, and we will work together to see what works for you to make you successful.
My name is Amanda Calas and I have known Rachel for over 5 years. I have had the privilege of training with her, in addition to knowing her on a more personal level throughout this time. Over the past 5 years I have watched Rachel undergo a complete and healthy body transformation. Watching her do this gave me the motivation and tenacity to try it myself. Wanting to learn more about the ins and outs of exercise I decided to hire Chelle as my personal trainer. This turned out to be the best decision I made to date. I can honestly say, with no reservations, that Chelle is the best trainer I have ever worked with. Chelle's unique ability to make you feel as if it really isn't that hard to reach your goal, changes your entire outlook on exercise. Chelle makes working out fun and exciting, I honestly look forward to the next session. When starting off with Chelle we sat down for an initial fitness assessment. I like that she took the time to ask me what it was that I wanted out other as a trainer and our sessions. She is always prepared, punctual, and thorough with my workouts, which I appreciate. Something that also attracted me to hiring Chelle was the help that she offers outside of our sessions. She taught me how to eat better and changed my thoughts completely about food and portions. I could call her if I had any questions which made me feel as though I had a support system in effect at all times. Overall, Chelle is a wonderful friend, trainer, and role model. She has helped me obtain my fitness goals and there would be no way I could have done it without her.
Rachel is a certified personal trainer through International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA). Rachel has a wide range of clients from someone who has never exercised before to clients who have been in a gym for a long time. Rachel enjoys working with those who are new to weight training. She also has experience working with young children and teenagers. Rachel also has a strong background in nutrition and she develops individual programs based on the specific needs of her clients. As a personal trainer, Rachel's overall goal is to help her clients achieve a happier, healthier lifestyle while encouraging them to enjoy their workouts. She specializes in training families with busy schedules and kids because she cherishes her own daughter Caitlin and all the fun fitness related activities they do together. Make it a family affair to spend an hour a week together growing your family relationships through fitness. Rachel has had her ups and down with her own weight, eating habits and personal view of her own body so she understands that it is not just about the physical aspect, but also about the mental and emotional aspects too. She can speak to you on a personal level with sympathy and empathy.