Making Healthy Your Habit
Mychael Shannon - (310) 963-8454
Marina del Rey, California 90292
Trains both men and women.
contact trainer
- Strength Building
- Weight Loss
- Aerobics
- Body Sculpting
- Fit Camps, Functional Movement,
Training Locations
- home
- work
- studio
- outdoor
Personal Trainer Overview
Elite Physiques is a revolutionary way to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Through our proven workouts, nutrition education and meal plans as well as positive motivation every step of the way, you will look and feel your best. Because being healthy is not about a quick fix; It’s about transforming your body and your thinking.
Training Philosophy
My training philosophy starts from the ground up. From our first meeting, we are constantly looking to improve your health; starting with a movement assessment. Too many people want to jump straight into heavy lifting and strenuous workouts to get the benefits quickly. We will get the results, but we have to step back and make sure you are moving fine first in order to prevent injuries firstly, AND then allow better movement and more effective results during those killer workouts afterwards! That's not to say you won't get a great workout in the beginning, only that we have to do it in the right order! My style of training is functional. I want your body to work out the way our body was intended through movement. We do a lot of compound movements, exercising over numerous joints in singular movements which requires our body to work as a whole focusing on a strong, safe core as well as perfect posture. Not only does this allow for more efficient and effective workouts, its also the way we do things in every day life. How many muscle groups do you think we use to properly lift a heavy box up off the ground and put it up and a waist high table? A lot more than sitting on a piece of exercise equipment that focuses on one muscle only :) To achieve this functional movement, we use TRX, Kettle Bells, sand bags, body weight, battle ropes, tires, stretch chords and numerous other exciting pieces of equipment...I promise yuo'll never get bored of repeat workouts! DIET! Perhaps the most important part of any healthy lifestyle change, and often overlooked. What you eat is what you wear on your waist. So if you are not eating properly, you aren't going to be getting near the results you are hoping for. Therefore, we make sure to guide you through your nutrition and even offer complete meal plans/shopping lists!
Pre Med Study Undergrad Physical Therapy Clinic work Trainer certifications Too many courses and seminars to count
Mychael’s enthusiasm for health and athletics, nurtured from childhood by an active family, spans his entire life. He is a Certified Personal Trainer, a swimmer, a runner, a cyclist, and an Ironman Triathlete, but his passion for competition is only part of the story; the larger picture is that his drive to excel and his friendly, inclusive style inspires others to be their best selves. Mychael’s ultimate goal — to help families and communities create traditions of health and wellness — informs his work every day. His philosophy is you don’t need to be an Olympian to have ambitious health goals. His promise is not only to help you reach all of your goals; But to surpass them!