Personal Trainer
Michael Schroeder - (707) 548-7470
Santa Rosa, California 95403
Trains both men and women.
contact trainer
- Strength Building
- Body Building
- Weight Loss
- Rehabilitation
- Aerobics
- Kick Boxing
- Body Sculpting
Training Locations
- home
- outdoor
- ACE Personal Trainer
Personal Trainer Overview
Do you want to start a fitness program and need that little push. Than this is just what you need. I work with all fitness levels and I will come to you. We can train in your home, at a park or at a gym. It's all up to you. I also do small group Fitness Boot Camps as well as personal training. I will make a fitness program specifically for you personal fitness needs.
Training Philosophy
My goal is to bring fitness to you.
I have a degree in Kinesiology. I also was a TA at the Santa Rosa Junior College in the Weight Room for many years. I am also an ex-marine that has trained hundreds of marines over the years in fitness.
Hello, my name Michael J. Schroeder, better known as Sergeant Schroeder. I would like to take this time and tell you a little about myself. I grew up on the coast of Oregon in a little town called Newport, until I left to go into the Marine Corp. I was very much into sports at a young age and found that I was very good at them. When I was just a little boy I remember seeing bodybuilders on television and wanted to be just like them. This got me into weight lifting at the age of 12 and I fell in love with it. Weight lifting and running were my passion. When I was 19 years old my older half-brother Phillip died at the age of 24 from his second heart attack. He also was very much into fitness. At one point he even held the Oregon dead lifting record. As a young child they found that he had a heart condition and later in life he unfortunately started taking steroids. This all contributed to his second heart attack that took his life. This just made me want to get more into fitness and do everything the right way. You never have to do steroids to get where you want to in fitness. I feel that if he knew what steroids would do to him he would have never done them. He will always be in my thoughts. I went into the Marines at the age of 20 and became a machine gunner. In the Marines I learned a great deal about military style fitness training. I discovered the benefits that it provides. Military fitness training can help anyone. I also met my wife while I was in the Marines. She has been the biggest supporter that I have ever had. She has been there every step of the way, encouraging me to always do better. After I left the Marines, I went to college and got a degree in Fire Science. After that, I started a degree in kinesiology and got my personal trainer certification from ACE. I have been a Teacher’s Assistant at the Santa Rosa Junior College for over two years. After all of this, I felt like I needed to start my own fitness business. That’s when I decided to start Sergeant Schroeder’s Fitness. Here at Sergeant Schroeder’s Fitness we give you the best fitness experience possible. I hope with my fitness knowledge and coaching, you will get the results that you are looking for and deserve.