Arizona's premier personal training studio-fitness and nutrition in a lifestyle you can live with..
Luis Galindo - 480-503-2307
Gilbert, Arizona 85234
Trains both men and women.
contact trainer
- Strength Building
- Weight Loss
- Rehabilitation
- Body Sculpting
- sports conditioning
Training Locations
- studio
- NCSA - CSCS. NASM-CPT. NASM-CES. NASM-PES. IFPA. ISSA. NCSF. ACE. Exercise Science Degrees. Nutrition Degrees. Flexibility Specialist. Certified Pose Method Coach. TRX Certified.
Personal Trainer Overview
Our mission at Funktional Fitness is to empower individuals to achieve a healthy lifestyle through our TMDA methodology. We are passionately committed to improving the functionality of each one of our clients.
Training Philosophy
The professional team at Funktional Fitness will educate you on how to live a healthier lifestyle, both mentally and physically. We believe in empowering the mind, body and soul. Our programs adapt to each client at Funktional Fitness so everyone will be able to participate, no matter the size or age. Functional training applies the same physical movements used in your day to day life. Funktional Fitness uses these movements and turns them into strength training exercises. Each individual gets an idea of how their physical endurance and strength are progressing when compared to other clients therefore, making the atmosphere friendly and fun with a healthy dose of competitive spirit. Funktional fitness has turned wellness into an art.
We are passionate about our work and have a combined experience of more than 60 years. Exercise Science Degrees to Pose Method Running Coach. Kettlebell Certifications with Pavel to Flexibility Specialists. TRX certified Trainers. Nutrition Degrees. And good heart people!
Funktional Fitness was launched in October, 2008, by Luis Galindo and Jeremy Jones, two well-known East Valley elite personal trainers with close to 20 years of combined training expertise and experience. Funktional Fitness is located in a private, non-membership based 2200-square foot facility custom designed in Gilbert, Arizona. Unlike any other training facility in the area, Funktional Fitness concentrates on changing the way you think about fitness through the means of functional training and nutritional guidance. By incorporating the extensive knowledge and training expertise that made the pair so popular in the Gilbert area, the concept will provide clients with a customized and tailored series of exercises designed exclusively for their body-type, lifestyle, and age.