Intergrity,result,nutritinal,price affordable,location
landis owens - 480-510-6602
Tempe, Arizona 85282
Trains both men and women.
contact trainer
- Strength Building
- Body Building
- Weight Loss
- ederly also
Training Locations
- studio
- ISSA certified
Personal Trainer Overview
all method
Training Philosophy
weight training, cardio, nutrition,stretching needs.
ISSA certified,15 years experience,done body building and have reach weight loss goes
The People’s, People Trainer Hi, welcome to Almighty Training Studio. My name is Landis Owens. I have recently opened up my own personal training studio. I have been a personal trainer for 10 years. I am ISSA certified and APEX certified. I have been working out on my own since I was 15 years old. I have competed in nine different body building shows and accomplished maintaining different weight levels. I have been successful in learning how to eat nutritionally clean. I will help you learn how to do exercises as life style and learn how to apply fitness to your everyday life to keep you active for life. I can help critic your current workout routine to help break a plateau. I also can specifically train you or your child for any sport. I am the type of trainer that holds my clients accountable to their goals and strive for them to achieve the success of seeing their desired results. This is accomplished by learning activities that will help you in your everyday activities and help you stay active outside a gym. Getting your dream results and maintaining them for life is my vision for each and every client. It is my goal to teach one million people to eat nutritionally to live a blessed life. I am the trainer that will get you the results you want and need. Just observe my current clientele; their results speak louder than any words. Give it a try. You will not be disappointed!