NJ Finest Trainer
Keelin Eichert - (732) 710-7831
New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901
Trains both men and women.
contact trainer
- Strength Building
- Weight Loss
- Body Sculpting
Training Locations
- gym
- ISSA- CPT Octane- Cross Trainer NASM- Weight Loss
Personal Trainer Overview
This profile has been updated since June 2013. If you see the other profile, please dis-regard. Just like "one size does not fit all", one workout definitely does not fit all. That is why I take the time to understand your goals, your current physical abilities and what will work for you, to make your training sessions fun, but challenging using multiple modalities for balance and good conditioning. Injuries? No problem, I can develop a training regimen around any physical limitation you may have to give you the best workout possible. Consistency is the cornerstone of getting results. Therefore, training consistently is key if you want to make a lifestyle change. That is why I will give you the tools you need in order to train on your own, in addition to our sessions to get you the results you desire.
Training Philosophy
My personal training philosophy goes beyond simply going through the motions and counting reps. It is about making a decision to change your life and taking the necessary steps to make it happen. I take a whole body approach so that my clients will see and feel the personal training benefits. With motivation, dedication and education you can do it and I can help! Changing your life is a journey and I will be there to support you, motivate you and make sure you enjoy every step along the way. Are you ready to start living your life being stronger, healthier and happier? It is time to change and the time is now.
ISSA CPT A.A. Dance Special Populations Human Movement Science
Keelin Eichert is a Trainer in New Brunswick, New Jersey specializing in athletic training, circuit training, functional training, sports training, personal training, weight loss training. Contact her to realize your fitness goals.