Karen Welch at Inertia Fitness
karen welch - 714-469-8039
Anaheim, California 92807
Trains both men and women.
contact trainer
- Strength Building
- Body Building
- Weight Loss
- Pilates
- Aerobics
- Spin
- Kick Boxing
- Body Sculpting
- certified Pilates, Cycle, Ripped
Training Locations
- home
- work
- outdoor
- my home gym
- 24 hour fitness Pilates Yoga Sliver Sneakers Indoor Cycling
Personal Trainer Overview
I love working with individuals one on one and get so excited to see someone progress! Specializing in Interval training getting the most out of each workout. Burning the most calories possible. I am nice and friendly and make the workouts fun but, I will not lie when I say I will push you hard.
Training Philosophy
Have fun while exercising making the session fly by. Keeping the workouts fresh and exciting. Always changing it up so the body never knows what is going on so it too will also be taxed and changing. I love being active and therefore I will always encourage and invite you to join me in runs and hikes outside of our sessions. I will always incorporate my knowledge of the varied classes I teach and address all areas of fitness, including; warm up and strength training, cardio vascular health, flexibility and stretching & cool down .
I am AFTA certified. Cycle certified, both in Schwinn and Reebok Ripped certified Received Mat 1 and 2 Pilates training from Fullerton College Silver Sneakers Strength training in several areas as well.
I have been a group exercise instructor for 20 years!! Love every aspect of fitness. Love sports, play on a woman's over 40 soccer league. Love running and have run 5 1/2 marathons and will do several more. Am married and have 2 children, and two black labs.