Get the support and education you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Kacie Bryant - 916-626-7739
Lincoln, California 95648
Trains both men and women.
contact trainer
- Strength Building
- Weight Loss
- Aerobics
- Toning
Training Locations
- studio
- outdoors
Personal Trainer Overview
The focus of Guiding Fitness is not only to get you in shape, but also to help you maintain a happy and healthy lifestyle. We think of ourselves as life fitness coaches and not just personal trainers. When you give us the opportunity to work with you, you gain a support system for life.
Training Philosophy
We are bombarded with tons of fitness information, fads and doo-dads everyday. "Want the perfect body?…try the abs swinger" or "lose weight fast with this little magic pill, order now and get a whole bottle free". It is impossible to turn on the TV and go a whole ½ hour without hearing some junk about how to make your life perfect, just by buying some contraption for "three small payments of $19.95". What is "perfect" anyways? To us the phrase "strive for perfection" is a bunch of bologna. Hello... we are humans... not one of us is perfect, how boring would that be! We sure don't want to be perfect… We like cookies. Yes, we said it…We like cookies! We think that if you completely take out everything that you like, you are setting yourself up for failure…not to mention... Borrringgg! Knowledge is the key. Having the knowledge to chose what makes your body feel good instead of following society blindly. There is no such thing as "one size fits all". Most people need to figure out what works for them, that's where we come in. We are Personal Trainers. We work closely with you so you can get to know what your body wants and needs to be fit. Though, in order to make this work, you must want it bad enough. I mean, really really want to make a lifestyle change that will improve your life. In our experience, the reason most programs don't work is because the client is not ready or it is not important enough to them. NO MORE EXCUSES, they are for losers!! We don't care what commercials or magazines tell you, you don't need fancy equipment or a magic pill to be successful. All you need is yourself and a little guidance.
Bachelor's degree in Business Management, AFPA Personal Training Certification.
I worked two jobs to pay for my bachelor's degree in Business Management at Mississippi State University. All through school I was never sure what I really wanted to do with my career. I knew that whatever it was, I wanted to help people. I also knew that I loved sports and anything active (you would think that I would have put two and two together back then). I looked at my Business Management degree as just a starting point. After working in the 'real world' as a project manager for several years, I found myself bored and unfulfilled. I was only 24 and managing 6 people and 50 projects. Though I made good money and worked very hard to get where I was, sitting at a desk all day was not what I had envisioned as the perfect job. I decided to look for a volunteer assistant coach position so I had something to look forward to at the end of the day. My first interview hired me on the spot as head coach of both girls and boys soccer. Cristo Rey High School had just opened a year earlier and needed someone to start their soccer program. Wow, was I way in over my head! I took the challenge with both feet in and loved every second of it! Most of the girls had never played soccer before. It was so rewarding to see how much they improved throughout the season. I found my passion. Though I had general knowledge of training and fitness, I wanted to know more. I wanted to be a personal trainer and a coach! Now here I am, AFPA certified and ready to conquer the world, helping one person at a time. I believe that everyone has it in them to be happy and healthy; sometimes they just need a little guidance.