Justin Johnson - 6155332813

Nashville, Tennessee 37221

Trains both men and women.

contact trainer


  • Strength Building
  • Body Building
  • Weight Loss
  • Rehabilitation
  • Body Sculpting

Training Locations

  • home
  • gym
  • outdoor



Personal Trainer Overview

Clients who train with me can expect to reach your full potential using proper and safe techniques. Developing a program based upon your fitness goals and working to achieve those goals We will utilize a variety of tools including weight machines, stability balls, weighted medicine balls, and kettlebells as well as your own body weight to achieve your desired level of fitness. I will utilize the time we have during training sessions to teach you proper nutrition and food choices to best meet you and your lifestyle

Training Philosophy

I believe that with hard work and knowledge anything is possible. I want my clients to walk away from each session with a bit of health and fitness KNOWLEDGE!!! I have had some of the best mentors in my life and can't wait to help others with these gifts.


Associates of Applied Science in Architectural Engineering


I love fitness and nutrition. Everything about it makes me happy and want to learn more! I have weight trained half my life and competed for the past 3 years. I have helped several of my friends and family become more health & fitness conscience. Helping them has been more rewarding to me than my own personal accomplishments.