Personal Trainer in Dacula, Gwinnett, Metro Atlanta area
Joseph Hedges - (770) 598-8666
Dacula, Georgia 30019
Trains both men and women.
contact trainer
- Strength Building
- Body Building
- Weight Loss
- Rehabilitation
- Yoga
- Pilates
- Aerobics
- Kick Boxing
- Body Sculpting
- Paddle board
Training Locations
- home
- work
- studio
- outdoor
- I am a NASM Certified Personal Trainer (CPT)
- with specializations in Flexibility
- and Fitness Nutrition.
Personal Trainer Overview
I am a NASM Certified Personal Trainer with current specializations in Nutrition and Flexibility with my next focus on the Corrective Exercise. With certification from the National Academy of Sports Medicine, the most sought after knowledge in the industry, I have the skills to get you to your goals. My focus with functional and corrective exercises improve muscle movement compensations and better prepares you for everyday activities. Also, new to Fitness Phoenix is a fleet of paddle boards allowing for groups of up to 5 to learn and enjoy the local Atlanta area waterways.
Training Philosophy
Everyone deserves a second chance. Many think it is too late or they are too old to change their way of living whether it be to get in better shape by working out more or improve their health through better nutrition. I feel this is further from the truth. Yes it may be harder to get started, but getting started late is better than not starting at all and whether you are 15 or 65, you and your body will be notice and feel the difference. Thus like the Phoenix rising from the ashes, we can get a new chance at a different, healthier way of living. I am not a "boot camp" instructor in that I am not a drill sergeant barking orders. Working out should be fun and I do not feel being yelled at as a fun time or needed to be pushed to achieve your desired results.
National Academy of Sports Medicine - Certified Personal Trainer --with Specializations in: * Fitness Nutrition * Flexibility
I blame my daughter Abby-Rose the most for my health journey...and I thank her for it all the time. Abby was born with some severe food allergies that we learned through many of trials during breastfeeding and most of her worst reactions came after my wife had eggs for breakfast. At the time it was not conventional to test babies for food allergies but we persisted and found that this beautiful helpless baby was allergic to most of what we were eating and being passed through my wife, Amy's milk. This event and the hope to reduce some baby weight had Amy starting to exercise regularly and research alternatives to our normal diet. Around this time, Amy's brother had enlisted in the Marines and provided some friendly competition between us and a new joy for exercising. I had recently found the childhood enjoyment out of riding bikes a bit again since being a teenager so with all of this together my bike rides turned into random pull-ups in the hallway to daily workout videos. I personally have seen an enjoyment in exercise and believe that it can be the fountain of youth and reduce stress. Exercise has also been said to be a piece of the puzzle to prevent and in some cases help cures chronic diseases and anxiety. This increases with proper nutrition. I have stayed consistently active through some type of movement be it mountain biking, resistance training, hiking, yoga, or my newfound favorite paddle boarding since 2009 when this journey began. My main success story in my fitness journey is in successfully GAINING 20 pounds, and still holding a happy body fat percentage hovering around 15%. This is not the traditional success story I know, but for me being a short guy who could never break 130 pounds regardless of what I did from a nutrition or exercise perspective, it is quite the accomplishment for me, especially while keeping the excessive unwanated fat at bay. The name Fitness Phoenix has a few meanings and symbolism. - the Phoenix is a mythical bird signifying second life and I am a big fan of second chances. For many, finding fitness is their second chance to healthier living. - My wife and I really enjoy the South West, specifically Arizona and the Phoenix area