Elite Personal Trainer - NASM, NSCA
John Fernandez - (415)351-8124
San Mateo, California 94402
Trains both men and women.
contact trainer
- Strength Building
- Body Building
- Weight Loss
- Rehabilitation
- Aerobics
- Body Sculpting
- Core Stabilization Strength
Training Locations
- home
- gym
- studio
- work
- outdoors
- The organizations I am certified by include
- among others
- the National Academy of Sports Medicine (N.A.S.M)
- and National Strength and Conditioning Association (N.S.C.A). Within these (2) organizations I hold (4) current certifications/specializations. Each organization requires certification in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) by the American Red Cross. To ensure that qualified professionals maintain entry level guidance each certification group demands all trainers to participate in approved continuing education programs. Continuing education programs are intended to promote continued competence
- development of knowledge and skills
- and enhancement of professional skills and judgement beyond the levels required for entry level practice. To support my passion for the science of movement and my commitment to my clients for their health and safety
- each of my credentials are re-certified every (2) years. I realize that most people don't understand any of the different acronyms that most trainers set next to their name but I ensure you that the education behind the acronyms along with the experience I have attained over the years will elevate the effectiveness and safety of your workout.
Personal Trainer Overview
My program delivers a fitness that is, by design, broad, general, and inclusive. My specialty is not specializing. Healthy living requires that we push, pull, run, throw, climb, lift, jump, and decelerate movement effectively and safely regardless of whether or not you play athletics. Athletics is a specialized pursuit. My goal is to support the specialist, but reward the generalist.
Training Philosophy
I use a CrossFit program designed for universal scalability making it the perfect application for any committed individual regardless of experience. I've used my same routines for elite athletes to grandparents. I scale load and intensity; I don't change programs unless I am approached by a client with orthopedic, injury, and rehabilitation concerns. Otherwise, the needs of our grandparents and elite athletes differ by degree not kind. The basic premise is that it does not matter what your goals are or what you need, we will work hard as a team to make sure you reach those goals now rather than later. I realize that getting results is the only thing that matters. Well, if results is what you want rest assured RESULTS is what you will achieve.
In addition to my 20 years of practical training experience I presently hold multiple certifications and specializations. Each of the certification groups offer courses and testing in subjects including anatomy, exercise physiology,kinesiology, biomechanics, range of motion, structural integrity, fitness screening and testing, training principles and techniques, understanding equipment, sport nutrition, sports injury, physician interfacing, sport psychology and motivation, safety and injury prevention. To be certified by these organizations requires rigorous study, participation in courses, hands-on training trials, and passing difficult examinations.
It's hard to find good quality trainers. You look at them on paper, and they meet the qualifications, but those qualifications have to come to life. The practical application is the challenge. Some trainers don't look like trainers...that's a bad sign from the start. Whether you want to believe it or not there is a direct correlation between how a trainer looks versus the amount of passion he or she has in perfecting their craft. How could one understand abnormal movement or the energy demands of an exercise imposed on you if they are not experiencing it themselves to the same level of intensity asked of you? I consider myself a fitness coach but market myself as a personal trainer for search engine optimization reasons. What's the difference? Personal training is a service to guide you through a workout often provided to you by a gym. Fitness coaching is the service of guiding you towards achieving a fit body (more than just a workout). Having a fitness coach with you every step of the way will help you instill dedication to a lifestyle that includes exercise discipline, personal responsibility, and balanced nutrition resulting in overall well-being and an improved level of fitness and performance. A personal trainer rarely addresses your entire body's needs, such as muscle imbalances, joint and neural dysfunctions. As a dedicated and motivated fitness coach I have dedicated fitness as my career not just a hobby or part-time job. I am a fitness competitor and avid athlete, therefore, I am my own personal advertisement. I have followed the science of exercise and have been training for over 20 years incorporating my vast knowledge of nutrition, exercise, and sports-specific training towards my own goals and achievements. I've made the mistakes so you don't have to. Through the process of trial and error over the years I have prevented people from losing motivation, and wasting time with exercises that don't work.