Chicago and Surrounding Suburbs Finest In-Home Fitness Trainers
John Abramowicz - (815) 342-7351
Chicago, Illinois 60640
Trains both men and women.
contact trainer
- Strength Building
- Body Building
- Weight Loss
- Rehabilitation
- Yoga
- Kick Boxing
- Body Sculpting
- TPI Golf Fitness
Training Locations
- home
- work
- Certified Fitness Trainer (ISSA)
- Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (ISSA)
- TPI Golf Fitness Instructor (Titleist Performance Institute)
- Certified Speed and Agility Trainer (ATI)
Personal Trainer Overview
Proudly serving Chicago and the surrounding suburbs since 2006. Our progressive fitness programs are designed to each individuals' goals and fitness level. The training sessions are progressed in a way to get you to your goal WITHOUT being sore for days. You'll improve your posture, balance, coordination and body control, and have fun at the same time.
Training Philosophy
I believe you can turn back the clock. You can regain energy, strength, flexibility and endurance. My unique blend of resistance and cardiovascular training, balance and flexibility components, martial arts and yoga techniques, combined with nutrition guidance and motivation are all you need to get in shape ONCE AND FOR ALL! My athletes are trained using the latest strength, conditioning and speed and agility techniques, including ladder and cone drills, plyometrics and jump training.
Fitness Education Seminar - Shoulder Conditioning Midwest Strength, Conditioning and Rehabilitation Symposium Fitness Education Seminar - Complete Hip and Knee Conditioning
My lifestyle in Fitness began way back in 1969, when I was a chubby 12 year old and lost 25 pounds in a month. I used spring exercisers, cables, and a friends weight set to start out with. I read up on all the weightlifting and sports conditioning material I could find (Education of a Bodybuilder-Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tao of Jeet Kune Do-Bruce Lee, Muscle & Fitness Mag, etc.) A three sport athlete in high school, a coach, manager and athletic trainer for baseball, softball and basketball for 13 years, I started my own fitness company in 2006. I've worked with grade school to semi-pro athletes, transplant patients, cancer survivors and Moms, Dads, Grandmas and Grandpas who want to enjoy a long, active, healthy life with their kids and grandkids. That's what it's all about.