Master Sports Trainer
jeff meredith - 7202129398
Englewood, Colorado 80112
Trains both men and women.
contact trainer
- Strength Building
- Body Building
- Weight Loss
- Rehabilitation
- Body Sculpting
Training Locations
- gym
- Currently studying BS in physical Therapy at CU denver. MAsters Program. Ces - NASM. Pes - NASM. Sports - NASM.Cpt - NASM. Foundation - NASM. ACE. ISSA.
Personal Trainer Overview
1. I use every thing from a proprioceptive training methods to old school lifting. I am not like most. I will push you hard beyond your limits! No mercy! No excuses! I will be the bluntest man you meet. There’s no quick trick methods. No magic pills. Program + diets + hard work= your results.
Training Philosophy
I do things by programs. Structure. Most need to be told what to do. Give me your goals and accomplishments you want to achieve and we build from there. Start with how many days you can train. Then your body comp. Find our lean mass and body fat. Build your diet. Build your cardio. Build your weight routine. Accountability is key component to all of this regardless of your goal! I been there on both weight gain and weight loss programs in my life time. I have been training over 16 years.
Currently studying BS in physical Therapy at CU Denver. Masters Program. CES - NASM. PES - NASM. Sports - NASM.CPT - NASM. Foundation - NASM. ACE. ISSA.
i currently train Pro NFL players to bike racers. Golfers to soccer players. Weight loss to mass gain. I have worked for 24 hour fitness for 11 years and free-lanced for 6 years. Currently in college to master my degree in physical therapy and follow in to get my Ph.D. I have 13 national certifications.