Orange County Certified Personal Fitness Trainer
Jack Kenefick - 949-203-9620
Costa Mesa, California 92627
Trains both men and women.
contact trainer
- Strength Building
- Body Building
- Weight Loss
- Aerobics
- Body Sculpting
Training Locations
- home
- gym
- studio
- work
- outdoors
Personal Trainer Overview
Unlike most Orange County personal trainers, who charge $60 to $80 per session and want to sell you on big, expensive fitness training packages, Balanced Life Fitness clients get unlimited fitness training for one low price. That’s right – work out with your personal trainer as often as you want and don’t pay extra for additional sessions. We want you to get in shape as fast as possible! Our semi-private fitness training model allows us to give you the most advanced fat-burning, muscle-building, body-shaping workout program in Orange County, while passing dramatic savings on to you. And don’t worry, this is NOT some large class environment where you have to keep up with everyone else, or you’re left behind. We only offer FULL SERVICE personal training, with every workout individually customized to YOUR needs and goals – nobody else’s.
Training Philosophy
There is no external solution. The only solution to permanent health and fitness is a proven and effective fitness program along with a solid nutrition system that produces undeniable results. After years of watching so many frustrated people approaching fitness and weight loss the wrong way, sometimes using ridiculous and even dangerous methods and “solutions” pushed by the fitness and fat loss industry, I finally decided enough was enough!
I 'm personal trainer who is educated, qualified, passionate and willing to push me further than I could ever go on my own.
My name is Jack Kenefick. I’m a personal trainer and body transformation expert here in Newport Beach and Costa Mesa. I have dedicated my life to creating and perfecting the most potent fat burning, body shaping, weight loss exercise program in Orange County.