The Body You Deserve
Gary Royals - 770 552-5477
Roswell, Georgia 30075
Trains both men and women.
contact trainer
- Strength Building
- Body Building
- Weight Loss
- Body Sculpting
- Children Weight Loss
Training Locations
- home
- studio
- work
- Health Fitness Instructor by American College of Sports Medicine
Personal Trainer Overview
Whether you are trying to lose or gain weight, a detailed plan based on your health and fitness goals is essential. All clients meet with their trainer (at no charge) to discuss their goals and functional limitations/constraints if any prior to their first workout. What makes us different is that we really listen, provide encouragement and support, and get results because of the comprehensive exercise plan we develop upfront and monitor along the way. We work with children and young adults ages 8-18 with regards to weight loss and/or sport specific training.
Training Philosophy
Results come with effort. We feel whether you love exercising or not, it must become as integral to your life routine as is your daily hygiene. We help you to overcome barriers to success and actually get the results you want and deserve while working together as your partner rather than as your employee.
M.S. Wellness with concentrations in Aging and developing programs for individuals with physical and/or mental impairments. B.S. Nursing
Gary Royals, owner and lead trainer has been helping clients for over 20 years get reults. He works with children 8-18 and adults 18+. Most of his clients are focused on weight loss and body toning and sculpting. He also works with individuals who are looking to body build packing on some serious muscle.