GG Master Trainer
Gary Gresko - 732-720-3051
Asbury Park, New Jersey 07712
Trains both men and women.
contact trainer
- Strength Building
- Weight Loss
- Rehabilitation
- Spin
- Body Sculpting
- Core Strength
Training Locations
- home
- studio
- outdoor
- TRX ACE Real Ryder Cycle
Personal Trainer Overview
The core is the foundation of the body, the rock that everything is built on. If not strong, back problems are common with exercise. Balance is compromised. Functional strength is limited.
Training Philosophy
Your body is your Temple, the true house you live in 24 hours every day. Keep it clean, inside & out, and well maintained.
65 plus years of following a simple program that enables me to be one of the healthiest and fittest 73 year old beings on the planet.
No one can be as fit as I am by not knowing what they are doing & having a compelling passion for it I don't do doctors, pills, supplements, hospitals, or RX drugs. My workouts are inspiring, fun, non judgemental, and effective. No weights necessary