Get Fixed! With Exercise That Works For You.
Erin Haske - (503) 544-2723
Alexandria, Virginia 22304
Trains both men and women.
contact trainer
- Strength Building
- Weight Loss
- Rehabilitation
- Complex and chronic conditions,
Training Locations
- home
- work
- outdoor
- Accredited Exercise Physiologist - ESSA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist - NSCA Functional Movement Systems
- Level 1 - FMS Precision Nutrition
- Level 1 - PN
Personal Trainer Overview
I have extensive experience and education in exercise science, with 10 years of work ranging from professional sports teams to little old ladies. More importantly, I have great ears. I pay attention when my clients tell me about why they want what they want, and why they might be excited or nervous about starting a program. I make sure each session and program addresses their needs, goals, and sometimes, their anxieties. Once we get going, I spend much of my time with my clients asking them how they feel - and what they feel - when they are exercising. This helps me make sure that every exercise is the right exercise for them.
Training Philosophy
I believe in building a strong foundation! There is a place for every exercise, and and exercise for every need - my goal is to find the right combination and what works for you, both meeting your needs and fitting into your lifestyle. Much of my programming is based on "functional" body weight movements - that is, movements that relate to what you do in your daily life. Once mastered, we get them stronger, so you look better, feel better, and move better!
BS with Honors, majoring in Sports Science Certified Massage Therapist
I work as a exercise physiologist and coach, and a remedial massage therapist. Massage therapy provides relief of acute and chronic pain and muscular imbalances, and appropriate exercise provides better health, fitness, and quality of life, as well as aiding the prevention and management of chronic disease and assisting and furthering physical therapy. I coach people with all of these goals. I work closely with doctors, other allied health professionals, and other coaches to ensure best-practice treatment and outcomes. Though not explicitly in the job description, much of my work centers around client education, including the whys and hows of their problems and our solution. That's a lot of big words, so here's the lowdown. A lot of people don't look or feel their best. I see a lot of people with tight shoulders, a knee reconstruction, or ten extra pounds. I work with these people to help them make positive changes to their health, how they feel, and yep, how they look in an swimsuit. This is how: 1. Establish a starting point – where they are now and how they got there. Simple movement screens let the body tell its version of the story. 2. Establish an end goal and make plans to help them get there. We base the plan on information from step one, and figure out the right mix of exercise and massage therapy to achieve their goal asap. 3. Get results. If they aren't seeing them, the treatment plan gets tweaked until they do. I'll also work with doctors, physical therapists, or any other health care professional to make sure that progress – whether towards a first marathon or simply pain-free living – is made the right way. I love my job. Some of my favorite memories (and people) started as clients, and seeing client improvement is nearly as exciting for me as it is for them. I love meeting new people and am always looking for new professional opportunities. Touch base with me and we'll talk about how I can help you.