Certified Personal Trainer
Erika Kohler - 440-773-7817
Cleveland, Ohio 44128
Trains both men and women.
contact trainer
- Strength Building
- Weight Loss
- Rehabilitation
- Kick Boxing
- Crossfit, kettle bells, body wei
Training Locations
- gym
- studio
- USA Weightlifting & Sports Performance ISSA Certified Personal Trainer ISSA Specialist in Senior Fitness Dragon Door Kettlebell Specialist AFAA Ace Accredited Fitour
Personal Trainer Overview
I have seen a lot of fads and gimmicks over the years in the fitness industry's attempts to get people to work out. I have found that the one thing that always works is hard work and commitment. No matter what activity you choose to do, this will always result in success. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again hoping for a different result. Let's stop the insanity with a fresh approach to your health and fitness, TOGETHER!
Training Philosophy
Having trained clients from ages 13-85 I have found that my favorite client is one who is committed to their goals and embrace their need for change. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again hoping for a different result. Let's stop the insanity with a fresh approach to your health and fitness, TOGETHER!
Bachelor of Science University of Hartford
I have been in the health and fitness industry for over 20 years. I have worked in big box gyms in Indiana, Maryland, Washington DC, Virginia, Connecticut, and Ohio. Presently, my husband and I have our own 5200 square foot gym in Warrensville Heights since 2009. Ours is a very private gym, and only those who are working with a personal trainer are utilizing the facility. We are not open to the public and do not offer gym memberships.