Personal trainer
ELENA ZOCCA - (785)761-5014
Junction City, Kansas 66441
Trains both men and women.
contact trainer
- Body Building
- Body Sculpting
Training Locations
- home
- work
- gym
- ISSA personal fitness trainer
Personal Trainer Overview
As a professional Personal Trainer I believe you must have the ability to analyze each client’s individual situation and harmonize their training to match their lifestyle and goals
Training Philosophy
I believe actual fitness is the only outcome worthy of the intense training my clients commit to and endure, and it is the only path to better health of mind, body and spirit. My role is to show my clients how to utilize their surrounding environment to their benefit and get a great workout wherever they are. Either by using traditional weights or a full-scale gym is not an excuse to avoid working out on your own potentiate . Be honest with yourself. Life is multi-dimensional, and that is how it should be approach it. I show my costumer how to do something new, something good for themselves , and they will be rewarded on many levels.
current enroll on my AS on literal art and certify from ISSA as a fitness personal trainer
I was born just outside the city of Vicenza in Italy, where both parents raised me.I am a child and youth service teacher and a mom of 2 boys Yes, the way I speak is completely original so do not be surprise. The most important element of communication are the gestures like all italian: the way we move our hands, hold our heads, move our shoulders, our facial expressions, as well as the way we use our eyes and mouths to make ourselves understood. We simply cannot talk without our hands. If they are busy doing something else, we start moving shoulders or other parts of the body for emphasis. Italians speak very loudly in public whether on the bus, in the street or on the phone. Don't worry, we are not all deaf. I think this will sum up our first meeting. This been sad I really enjoy what I do and I believe the we all different with different goal and way to do thing