To Educate and Empower you.
Dr. Tim French - 803-788-9225
Elgin, South Carolina 29045
Trains both men and women.
contact trainer
- Strength Building
- Body Building
- Weight Loss
- Rehabilitation
- Kick Boxing
- Body Sculpting
- Sports Conditioning
Training Locations
- studio
- Expert rating
- IDEA (A certification does not make you a trainer anymore than going to McDonalds makes you a hamburger!)
Personal Trainer Overview
For over 20 years Dr. Tim French, ScD (Health Advantage Fitness) has been providing wellness services in Columbia and the surrounding areas. We cover every aspect of health & fitness and our clients get results. From ages 13 to over 80, covering fat loss, sport specific athletic training, bodybuilding, cardio/respiratory fitness, general health to post physical therapy we have the education and experience it takes to help you excel.
Training Philosophy
Because every person is different, their training should be tailored as well, Functional exercises build strength, balance and coordination. We incorporate functional exercise into every session to facilitate real life physical improvements. After all what good is muscle if you can't put it to real use. Secondly, joint problems, old injuries and imbalances can reek havoc when not addressed properly so we'll make sure your health history is managed.
4 years Fitness Advisor for the USAF BS in Exercise Physiology MS in Physical Education ScD in Nutritional Science
In 1988 after serving 4 years active duty as Fitness Advisor for Myrtle Beach AFB I began working as a personal trainer for LA Fitness. 6 months into that career I bought the company and changed the name to Health Advantage Fitness. In 2004 we expanded into our current 4000 square foot studio and have thrived simply because we love to serve. Our theme "To educate and empower" is matched by commitment to watch our clients progress and thrive.