Experienced Trainer & Health Coach
Doris Hyerczyk - 224-795-3787
McHenry, Illinois 60051
Trains both men and women.
contact trainer
- Strength Building
- Body Building
- Weight Loss
- Rehabilitation
- Aerobics
- Spin
- Body Sculpting
- Running Races, nutritional coach
Training Locations
- home
- work
- gym
- studio
- outdoor
- ACE certied Personal trainer ACE certified Health Coach
Personal Trainer Overview
Experienced Personal trainer and Heath coach certified by ACE. I am an Accomplished marathoner, and currently competing in a figure bodybuilding competition in a few months, I know the importance of setting an example for my clients that health, wellness and fitness is possible at any age!
Training Philosophy
True Lifestyle change and/or improved athletism will only be accomplished When 4 essential variables are met; healthy diet, cardiovascular fitness, strength training which all contribute to mental health wellness.
Northern Illinois University 1983-1985 Oakton Community College 2007-2008
I am a mother, wife and accomplished athlete. I have coached many individuals become stronger athletes and many individual lose countless pounds while teaching them life lessons to be healthy and happy forever. Currently I am preparing for a figure bodybuilding competition. I specialize in athletic training and nutritional coaching