Fitness Professional
Derek Johnson - (650) 868-8936
San Mateo, California 94401
Trains both men and women.
contact trainer
- Strength Building
- Body Building
- Weight Loss
- Rehabilitation
Training Locations
- gym
- studio
- National Exercise and Sports Trainers Association
- USA Weightlifting
Personal Trainer Overview
I am fortunate to be able to spend my life helping others change theirs. Every morning I know my day will be filled with improving the quality of life for someone else. As a personal trainer, I am expected to help my clients reach their fitness goals but to me it is more than that. I accept the responsibility to affect spiritual as well as physical change in EVERY individual that crosses my path. Captivated by my first workout in a gym more than 30 years ago I now use the gym and fitness training programs as a platform to share, promote and teach a positive and inspiring life style. I thrive on the knowledge that I have something to give that can change the world!
Training Philosophy
I believe that we all are in need of ways to improve the quality of our lives. Exercise, motivation and positive reinforcement play a large role in our journey to live a healthier, happier and more productive lifestyle. However, to truly effect change within ourselves, we must strive to become physically, mentally and emotionally unified in our efforts. I believe it is my responsibility to connect those dots for my clients. In filling the role as trainer, counselor and friend, the pathway to reaching your fitness goals will be paved with a greater sense of self, increased self-esteem and the knowledge that the change you are making not only has a positive impact on you but also on those that you come in contact with.
In addition for being a certified Personal Fitness Trainer and a certified Sports Performance Coach, I am certified by the National Federation of State HS Associations to coach high school sports in the state of California. I am also certified annually by the Amateur Softball Association of America as a softball coach.
Born and raised in San Mateo, I spent my life on the peninsula playing youth sports, growing to be an athletically active adult and ultimately a high school coach and personal fitness trainer. My entire life has centered around fitness. My ability to train, coach and motivate individuals to live a positive and healthy lifestyle is the purpose I was born for.