Caring and Competent Trainer
Denise Lee - (202) 802-7530
Alexandria, Virginia 22306
Trains both men and women.
contact trainer
- Strength Building
- Weight Loss
- Rehabilitation
- Aerobics
- Body Sculpting
Training Locations
- gym
- studio
- outdoor
- CPR and AED
Personal Trainer Overview
Get the results that you have been dreaming about for years. Is that a tighter butt and abs, toned legs or strong and lean arms? Or do you just want to be able to move around without feeling body aches or pains? Do you want more energy so that you don't feel tired often? Regardless of the goal, I have a solution for you. My workouts are effective because I focus on exercising multiple body parts at the same time. Each workout is unique so that you are never bored doing the same workout repeatedly. Train in a private space listening to music that you like. Work with someone who will listen to you like a friend and you can access in between sessions.
Training Philosophy
I strive for 100% customer service satisfaction. If you don't like the workout or want to take it a little easy or harder, I will accommodate your request. My business is run on the happiness and satisfaction of each customer that walks through my door.
Medical Exercise Specialist-AAHFRP
A native to the Washington DC area, I was born and raised in Silver Spring, MD. After college, I entered the workforce to work for the private sector and later the federal government. I was absolutely miserable chained to a desk filling paperwork and could not imagine spending the rest of my working life as a bureaucrat. My good intentioned family and friends told me to stay at my good paying job and find hobbies to distract me from work. And that is what I did. I became interested in rock-climbing, hiking, running, camping, paintball, anything that got her outdoors and interacting with nature. Unfortunately, even with the weekend exercise, I was still slightly overweight. I needed more tools to not just to loose weight, but to keep the weight off. I became a trainer to educate myself and others how to loose weight and keep the weight off.