David Nickum

David Nickum - (702) 756-4444

Fairfax, Virginia 22031

Trains both men and women.

contact trainer


  • Strength Building
  • Weight Loss
  • Rehabilitation
  • Aerobics

Training Locations

  • home
  • work
  • gym
  • outdoor


  • NASM - Senior Fitness Specialist (SFS) NASM - Corrective Exercise Specialist (CES) NASM - Fitness Nutrition Specialist NASM - Golf Fitness Specialist (GFS) NASM - Mixed Martial Arts Conditioning Specialist NASM - Performance Enhancement Specialist (PES) NASM - Weight Loss Specialist (WLS) NASM - Women's Fitness Specialist NASM - Youth Exercise Specialist (YES) NPTI - Nutrition NPTI - Personal Training

Personal Trainer Overview

I love to train and can't wait to see what the future brings.

Training Philosophy

I think that training programs need to fit the needs of the client and everyone has different needs. Some people may need a different program to reach their goals. Compound movements are the best and a solid cardio program is great for weight loss.


National Personal Training Institute Berklee College of Music Advanced Technology Institute Pedmont School of Professional Massage


My name is David and I have been a trainer for over 8 years. I went to school for training in 2009 and school for massage in 2015. I went to school at Berklee college of music in 2005 and started DJing in 2000. I have been into music my whole life. Before I started training I worked on cars at as a tech. I would fix many different problems on cars and then I hurt my back. I hired a trainer in 2008 to help and I became very interested in getting a job as a trainer. Fast forward to 2017 and now I am running my own in home personal training company and learning new stuff about training everyday. I love helping people and seeing them reach their goals.