Personal Fitness Training/Cardio Classes
Dan & Theresa Gordon - 650-212-5000
San Mateo, California 94404
Trains both men and women.
contact trainer
- Strength Building
- Weight Loss
- Rehabilitation
- Aerobics
- Body Sculpting
- boot camp
Training Locations
- studio
- ACSM Certified Trainer
- ACE Certified Trainer
- Certified Kick fit Kickboxing Instructor
Personal Trainer Overview
At The Body Studio we offer semi-private personal training only. Our team of personal trainers is highly qualified. The studio is clean and never crowded. You get the most efficient workout within your training hour. There are no interruptions or waiting for equipment. This controlled atmosphere allows your trainer to carry out your program with a variety of exercises. It is a great alternative to the large gym scene! This great atmosphere has enabled us to create a special workout called Body Style. This workout style is almost impossible to carry out in a gym. Our Body Style Workout helps you to burn maximum fat & calories while you are getting stronger & more toned. The frequent change in order and type of exercises also keeps your workout fresh & fun.
Training Philosophy
We are both ACSM Certified Personal Trainers (American College Of Sports Medicine) We have years of experience in personal training. We also work out regularly and know the importance of a satisfying workout. We want to give each of our clients the satisfaction of getting best possible workout during their training session. This is very difficult to do in a crowded gym. Personal trainers in gyms often have to change their clients designed program during a session due to availability of equipment. This is not fair to the client. After years of training in this gym environment, we were able to come up with many ideas on how to create an environment more conducive to great workouts. In 1996, we decided to pool our knowledge and ideas to create a comfortable personal training studio, where people of all fitness levels could be challenged. The Body Studio was born! At the Body Studio you will get a program designed carefully for you, and it is carried out the way it was intended to get the results you want!
University of Minnesota,ACSM Certified Trainer,ACE Certified Trainer Exercise & Core Strength, Curtis Hickey, MS Designing Interval Program, Curtis Hickey, MS Exercise & the Shoulder, Jeannie Patton, MS PNF & Strength Training, Jeannie Patton MS Exercise & Training, Dr Len Kravitz Getting to the Heart of Cardiovascular Disease in Women By Jenna A. Bell-Wilson MS,,RD, LN Breast Feeding for the Active New Mom by Janet Weller, RN Over Weight & Obesity by David Stacher, Gender Differences in Fat Metabolism by Chantal Vella and Len Kravitz The Psychology of Exercise by Jim Gavin and Avi Mark Spitzer Programming for Real Women by Dawn Braud, MS Exercise & Training, Cheryl Soleway, The Skill to Prescribe Exercise, Cheryl Soleway, Implementing Practical Programs Resist-a-Ball Workout, Trish Muse MS, LPT, Women Exercise & Metabolism, Mark Poisall, MS Upper Body Compound Training, Mark Madole Lower Body Compound Training, Mark Madole Kick Fit Cardio Kick-Boxing Certified Functional Exercise and Nutrition, Dr. Len Kravitz Functional Exercise and Training, Dr. Len Kravitz Exercise After Bariatric Surgery, Ginger Patterson, PhD TRX Suspension Training Course, Fraser Quelch Head Coach and Director of Training Exercise Shows & Videos: Get Fit With Theresa & Dan, Exercise Cable TV Show, (2 tapings) 97 Theresa & Dans Simple Secrets to a Better Body, Exercise Video, 10/02 Apperances, Channel 5 TV Apperances, Channel 4 TV