Correcting your movement, then scuplting the body you want.
Coy Hargrave - (541) 543-9948
Eugene, Oregon 97402
Trains both men and women.
contact trainer
- Strength Building
- Body Building
- Weight Loss
- Rehabilitation
- Aerobics
- Body Sculpting
- Corrective Fitness
Training Locations
- home
- studio
- outdoor
- Fitness Specialist Level II Certified Personal Trainer
- ACSM Certified Dietary Manager
Personal Trainer Overview
I use corrective exercise to relieve chronic pain, recover from injury, and establish natural posture and movement. From this strong foundation, I apply proven techniques to construct the body my client desires.
Training Philosophy
Every person deserves a capable and attractive body that lasts a lifetime. I use human physiology and kinesiology to achieve my client’s goals, because that's what actually works! There is a high value in having access to a coach with these skills. I apply the science to each client's personalized program, and I give the proper amount of guidance and motivation to achieve results. I serve as a holistic coach to clients, and their success is my greatest reward. The cornerstones of my system are movement, nutrition, exercise and life-style. I am educated in nutrition science, and formerly constructed therapeutic diets for hospital patients under doctor's prescriptions. I will guide you towards success with an approach to foods that are natural, balanced and most importantly, delicious! You can still eat the foods you love! I train at a personal training studio in Eugene, Genuine Fitness. This is a great environment with many advantages over a gym. I also have all the equipment to train clients in their home or outside, because a comfortable training environment is instrumental to maximizing results. I coach clients that are looking for weight loss, strength for long life, body sculpting, injury recovery, pain relief, and preparation for sport. I coach men and women of all age groups.
Exercise and Movement Science, AAS Dietary Management Program, University of Florida I currently intern with a local physical therapist.
I am originally from Texas. I grew up in a small, sports driven community. My family life always held a particular emphasis on holistic health. I learned the values of compassion and helping others, which eventually led to my career path. I played some team sports growing up. My hometown is a lot like the movie "Varsity Blues". However, I found the most success on the track and at power lifting meets. Looking back at the training techniques that we used then, some were valid, but my classmates and I could have had much more success! Before moving to Oregon and pursuing a fitness coaching career, I worked as a Certified Dietary Manager for five years in hospitals and long-term care facilities. I also worked as an Activity Director in those facilities. I have always been drawn to improving the health of the elderly, and I apply that experience to my current career. After moving to the gorgeous state of Oregon, I decided to pursue fitness coaching, because it is my true passion in life. I chose a rigorous formal education program, so that I would have all the knowledge and skills to be a top caliber trainer. I excelled in my program at Lane Community College - in the classroom and at internships. I received exactly what I was looking for in this program. In addition to independent personal training, I also work at the YMCA as a Wellness Coach, where I write exercise programs and work as a trainer with members. My informal education is just as important to me as my formal education and is an aspect I will continue to explore through life.