Coach Court Fitness Trainer
Court Howe - (404) 551-8879
Atlanta, Georgia 30316
Trains both men and women.
contact trainer
- Strength Building
- Weight Loss
- Aerobics
- Nutrition
Training Locations
- home
- work
- gym
- outdoor
- American Council on Exercise.
Personal Trainer Overview
Every training session is designed personally for you. I always focus on building core strength first. As with anything, a solid foundation is key. I also offer nutritional coaching to get you to your goals faster.
Training Philosophy
I believe in whole lifestyle change. I won't just help you lose a few pounds. I will help you change your whole lifestyle to one of vitality, well-being and total fitness.
I am a certified Personal Trainer. I specialize in weight loss, strength training and nutrition.
My passion for fitness grew out of my own desperation for change. In my early twenties I took the party lifestyle to the extreme. My body took a lot of abuse from the chemicals I put into it. My diet was terrible, consisting of fast food and sweets. I ended up forty pounds over weight, extremely depressed and had no motivation. The first step was to stop the partying which took some help but managed to get cleaned up and stay that way. A friend taught me about weight lifting and nutrition and I took to it pretty quickly. After a few months I started noticing major progress. My depression was gone and my self-esteem was back! Now I love to help people transform their lives through diet and exercise. I know how hard it is to live a life that is unhealthy. For me there is no better feeling than to watch people improve not just physically, but mentally and spiritually as well.