I want to be your personal trainer
countess vlandamir - 214-994-3813
Dallas, Texas 75216
Trains both men and women.
contact trainer
- Strength Building
- Weight Loss
- Rehabilitation
- Yoga
- Pilates
- Body Sculpting
Training Locations
- home
- studio
- outdoors
- National Association of Fitness Training Nation Massage Therapist Association AED
Personal Trainer Overview
My promise to you, is that i will give you knowledge, motivation, and support that you need to accomplish your weight goal. I will be available to you after our sessions are over. I do care aboutl your health and well being, but you also have to want it. I will do all that i can to make sure you are a WINNER. get ready, get set, lets go.
Training Philosophy
I believe whatever you set your mind to you can do it. My methods used consist of three categories, split training, core training, and persistence. i do not believe you have to spend endless hours to get the result you desire. I am motivated by my clients, i get on the floor and work with them, not just give instruction, it is a team effort from beginning to finish. I am the right trainer for you because i am convenient, we are a team, and my prices are competitive.
My education consist of , certified personal trainer, certified massage practitioner, sports trainer, and groups exercise, nutritionist.
My name is countess vlandamir, original born in Alexandria, Louisiana. I am a divorced mother of three grown daughters, and 7 grandchildren. I have been involved in health and fitness for many years; but just decided to step out on faith and offer services to others. I am a hands on trainer, when i say i understand i want you to know i really understand, because i am right there with you. I have such a passion for this field that i also have bono cases where i do not charge for my services because i care about your well being. call me and lets accomplish this goal together.