Women's Personal Trainer
Caitlin Shaye - (949) 572-9833
Lake Forest, California 92630
Trains both men and women.
contact trainer
- Strength Building
- Body Building
- Weight Loss
- Rehabilitation
- Aerobics
- Spin
- Nutrition Counseling & Education
Training Locations
- home
- work
- gym
- studio
- outdoor
- Hotel
- NESTA / National Exercise & Sports Trainers Association
Personal Trainer Overview
Here are some examples of what I have helped women overcome, improve, accomplish and/or relieve; -Weight Loss / Fat loss (there's a difference) -Nutrition Counseling & Education -Allergies -Pre/post pregnancy exercise and diet -Depression -Tiredness -Slow metabolism -Insomnia -Acne/Poor skin/Aging spots -Balance & Stability -Obesity -Diabetes -High blood pressure -Muscle gain/ Muscle loss -Clouding of consciousness (known as "brain fog") -Strength & Conditioning -Memory Loss -Gastrointestinal disorders -Thyroid disease -Dementia -Chronic Stress Disorder
Training Philosophy
After years of being in the fitness industry working for large corporation clubs, I began to notice a pattern with the members of the club. Women would enter into the club, walk straight to a machine and proceed to do the exact same routine as they did the day before, and the day the before that, and the day before that, and so on. I would witness women exercising three months straight, 2-3 times a week and not lose one single pound! But it's not that they were not trying, it's that they were trying but were not succeeding. They would walk out of the gym two hours later barely breaking a sweat. Let's just get one thing straight ladies, average women who are just trying to maintain healthy weight and cardiovascular not need to workout for two hours. I promise :) That's ineffectually long. Of course, there are a few exceptions for people who are participating in intense training competitions, trying to cut weight very quickly or simply enjoy cruising through their workout (no pun intended!) But for the average population- it's over-kill. You're not challenging yourself enough if you can last two hours consistently moving without feeling exhausted. This saddened me because I did not see as much accomplishment as I would hope for in these beautiful and consistent women. Unfortunately, this happens excessively and women end up wasting a whole lot of time, money, energy and yet still do not feel better about themselves. This didn't seem very fair to me or make any sense! What was the point? I soon began to investigate and ask women about what it was exactly that's holding them back. Majority of the answers I received were along the lines of- they felt embarrassed, thought they looked stupid working out, or they were not confident in neither their bodies nor their form. The other half of the answers included: lacking fitness education, unknowingly trapped in their comfort zone, poor diet, lacking nutrition education, financially cannot afford a trainer, or literally having no clue of how to exercise at all! My second observation working in a large corporate club was that quite a few pregnant mommies did not enjoy working out in a large populated atmosphere. This was also due to them feeling judged or embarrassed about their looks or constantly not feeling well (often times unpredictably.) Pregnant mommies should be working out just as much as non-pregnant mommies are (if they are capable and approved to do so.) The benefits are endless for herself and baby. But I understood why and would want to stay home just as often while my body is going through such an emotional and life-changing experience like pregnancy. My third observation was that there were very few elderly women coming into the gym and exercising. Considering that some women simply cannot or are not willing because they are tired and ill, is relevant. But again, these women one way or another need to be exercising and nourishing too! All it would take is some accommodating circumstances that fit to their needs and lifestyle.
Saddleback Valley College / A.A. Sports Therapy Strength & Conditioning Nutrition Counseling & Education
As a certified Wellness Coach and Beauty consultant, I understand the unique physical, emotional and spiritual needs of women- along with advocating wellness and personal choice. Women need to be encouraged to make informed decisions about their health and reminded of their natural beauty. I welcome your questions and take the time to talk with you through your journey- wherever that may be! I am a California native, born and raised in beautiful Orange County. My extensive background in fitness and health education comes from years of studying the human body, as well as practicing exercise and proper nourishment.. I am a lover of kindness, nature, food, fitness, bubble baths, pink roses and animals. I am engaged to a beautiful man and a Mother to two American Bull Terriers, Hercules and Hartley. We spend our days together in Lake Forest enjoying the simple pleasures in life and loving every minute together! ♥ As a woman, I recognize the strength of women and their concerns. But I also recognize the woman’s need for professional guidance and emotional support. I offer a greater sensitivity, understanding and personal attention so you can feel healthier, your skin look youthful, and your life more joyful.