Shape Up With Shaping U!!
Brad Pugh - 205-586-0662
Pelham, Alabama 35124
Trains both men and women.
contact trainer
- Strength Building
- Body Building
- Weight Loss
- Aerobics
- Kick Boxing
- Body Sculpting
- Boot Camp
Training Locations
- home
- work
- gym
- United States
- N.F.P.T. (National Federation of Professional Trainers) 13 years certified... Yearly Continuing Education...
Personal Trainer Overview
Pelham Personal Trainer..that has been in business for over 12 years.Twice was Voted one of Bham's Best in 2010 and 2012..I have always loved and studied Training Principals for Total Body Transformation which includes fat Loss...Lean muscle gain... since I was 12 Years old. I love what I do and have helped 1000s!
Training Philosophy
Intensity & Consistency is the Key! The Hardest part is just getting Started!
I take a new continued education test every year to Re-New my National Accredited Certification through NFPT (National Federation Of Professional Trainers) 13 Years Certified.
Often described by others, “as enriched with a kindred spirit who has the capability of touching everyone he embraces with a positive outcome”. Surrounding himself with an array of friendships from all walks of life, people seem to gravitate towards him. Brad personally believes it is because he is a sincere straight-up individual who treats everyone with kindness and respect. Standing 6’3 his weight ranges between 210-225 lbs striving to stay lean and fit year around. Having taken a three year break in the gym a few years ago, Brad gained 30 plus lbs of fat. Unhappy with his appearance and concerned for his health, Brad changed his eating habits and nurtured his body back to health, Brad understands how hard it is to get moving in the right direction and that is why Brad has committed himself to assisting others. Brad tells his clients…..”Together, we will meet your personal fitness goals as long as you do exactly what I advise you to do. The results will be the most satisfying feeling of accomplishment you can ever feel. It will motivate you to improve in other areas of your life as well. It takes a few sessions for my clients to get accustomed to working out and for me to be certain the client understands the exercises.” “I love what I do and take my business very seriously.” “Your fitness and health goals are my number one concern!” So if you are ready for Brad Pugh to Shape You! Then just schedule a FREE consultation with Brad! “ONE OF THE BEST INVESTMENTS YOU CAN MAKE IS IN YOUR HEALTH AND FITNESS!” Brad Pugh More About Brad... Once upon a time there was a young boy (myself) that started growing fast! I grew so fast that reached 6 ft 1 with a 12 shoe size by age 12! Well, I ended up growing to 6 ft 3 in height… this caused me to become very tall, skinny, or lanky in appearance. This made me want to build muscle on my body fast! I always knew that I wanted to be into fitness training from a very young age. I started studying books, magazines, and just about any fitness material I could get my hands on. I started learning the lean muscle building principals early in life. I then put them to use and started seeing my body transform right before my eyes! I loved this feeling and how I was looking! My confidence sky rocketed…and I just wanted to learn more and more. Well years went by….and then one day I realized I my appearance and health was changing. This change was nor for the better…it was for the worse! I was getting fat! I ended up 40 plus pounds over weight. I had left out what I would later realize and learn, would be the MOST important component of the whole Fitness & Wellness Formula…..Healthy Nutrition! I was older now….in my 30′s. My body was changing. I could no longer just workout, eat whatever and be in shape. I had to learn how to eat right for the first time in my life. Learning to eat right was the most frustrating thing I ever had to do in my life. But I learned that my body would not transform until I got my meal planning dialed in. I finally figured out I could not do this on my own. I decided to hire a fitness nutrition coach. This ended up being one of the best ideas that I took action on. While working and learning new fitness & nutrition principals…..I became very frustrated trying to put what I was learning to use. After lots of trial and error….I finally did it! My body became transformed. I was in the best shape of my life! Once again my confidence skyrocketed….and it was one of the best feelings of accomplishment I had ever felt. Now I was so excited I just wanted to teach others what I knew would transform and change people’s lives! So that’s what I did….I committed myself to teaching and coaching others on this new Body Transformation Formula that I had learned. I started doing what I love to do the most….teaching & coaching others how to workout and eat right. Yep! I became a Nationally Certified Personal Trainer. I came up with my own spin on things….it’s called my Shaping U Body Transformation Formula. I came up with the 6 Shaping U Methods that get’s my clients TRUE Long Lasting RESULTS! I came up with the name Shaping U for my business for this reason…..I am a Body Shaper not a Bodybuilder. This just means that I was not interested in bulking up i.e… the Bodybuilding Sport…I am and was more interested in the business of teaching my clients how to feel better, get healthy and lean. Not that I have anything against Bodybuilding….I have lots of friends into the sport. I was just more interested in better sports performance, getting the lean sculpted look, and better health & wellness. So that is my short story version of my Fitness & Nutrition journey…I learned how to transform my body, look better, and feel better. What a great feeling……having complete control of your body shape and feeling better. You know what? YOU CAN TOO! : ) -Brad Pugh-Shaping U