Your Fitness is My Priority!!
Andrew Fodge - (602) 638-3000
Scottsdale, Arizona 85260
Trains both men and women.
contact trainer
- Strength Building
- Body Building
- Weight Loss
- Rehabilitation
- Body Sculpting
- Golf Fitness Conditioning
Training Locations
- studio
- NSCA-Certifified Strength and Conditioning Specialist NASM-Certified Personal Trainer TPI- Certified Golf Fitness Trainer
Personal Trainer Overview
Personal Training must deliver results for you and with my fitness programs it does!! Do something for yourself that you will not regret. You deserve to get what you pay for!! Put Our Knowledge, Experience, Ability, and Desire to work for YOU, as your Personal Trainer. Current Fitness Program examples include: *Two-Month Fitness Intensive (Average Fat Loss 2-3 Pounds per Week) *Small Group Training *General Fitness and Conditioning *Weight Loss Contests for $$$ *Core Intensive *"Prehab" Workouts *Functional/Traditional Strength Training *Golf Conditioning *Online Personal Training *Nutrition System Offering services at our private personal training studio location in North Scottsdale WE want you to achieve results NOW!!! We are a Personal Trainer Team committed to Clients with our Accountability and Professionalism.
Training Philosophy
A fitness evaluation. The evaluation will help us as the trainer determine what kind of shape you are in, and how we will need to design your workout program. We will ask about your health history, medications, and experience with exercise. A personalized exercise program designed specifically for you. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to fitness training. Each person’s needs and goals are different, and as your personal trainer I will custom design a plan that acknowledges both the shape you’re in and the shape you want to be in. Supervised exercise. As personal trainers we will give you undivided attention to make sure you are sticking to your program, using proper form and technique, and that you are getting the most out of your workout without getting injured. The benefits of your program will be explained to you and I will recognize when you’ve reached certain milestones. Motivation. There’s nothing like having a trainer give you words of encouragement throughout your workout. This helps with the mental part of getting in shape–attitude is everything! If you don’t think you can do it, then you won’t. And YOU will! Expertise. Good personal trainers are experts in the field of exercise, nutrition, and motivation. We believe that we are some of the BEST. We are there to give you advice that extends beyond your time with us. We will educate you about dieting and lifestyle modifications so you know what to do on your own as well. As good personal trainers we strive to be a fountain of knowledge!
MS in Physical Education from Seattle Pacific University. BS in Athletic Training from George Fox University
I can help you and I want to help you now. I love being a personal trainer here in Scottsdale and Phoenix, Arizona and you will love the results of what we can accomplish together. I am a TRUE and CONFIDENT Fitness Professional that takes a unique satisfaction in seeing you accomplish your goals as quickly as humanly possible. If you trust the program I put before you, then you will see results. So don’t hesitate Scottsdale, let’s get Started!!!! I have invested 13 years of my life, into my profession, as a personal trainer, the last five here in Scottsdale, Arizona. I hold a Bachelor of Science degree in Athletic Training from George Fox University and a Master of Science degree in Physical Education from Seattle Pacific University. Also, I hold Nationally Accredited Certifications from the NSCA and the NASM. Before my career brought me to Scottsdale Arizona, it has allowed me to work within many different environments throughout the Pacific Northwest. From Collegiate and High School Athletic Programs, Physical Therapy Clinics, Obesity Clinics, Upscale Fitness Clubs, and Private Personal Training Studios I have been very fortunate with the opportunity to apply my knowledge to so many clients and athletes. I made the absolute best decision in my career andlaunched my own personal training business, Fitness By Andrew LLC, three years ago. I accredit my success to the personal training and weight loss clients, that I have had the privelege of working with. This success has allowed my business to grow into two Scottsdale locations: one in Old Town Scottsdale and the other in North Scottsdale. Throughout my career I’ve had the opportunity to meet many wonderful clients, whom have cumulatively lost 1000’s of pounds (literally) and conquered a variety of fitness and athletic goals. From running their first Marathon, scoring below an 80 for the first time at their local golf course, climbing Camelback all the way to the top and passing hikers 20 years younger all the way up, and to simply being able to pick their grandchildren up. I am so proud to be a part of what people have wanted in their lives, and that is a body able to do the things they want to do. “How Awesome is That?!?!” To work on my own goals, I do whatever I can, to push my body’s fitness. I have participated in 4 Half Marathons and numerous 5k & 10K races, throughout the Pacific Northwest and around Scottsdale, AZ. I have been former collegiate athlete, (Javelin Thrower for the George Fox University Track and Field Team), and have had the experiences that hard work, determination, and a specific goal can achieve. I love to play GOLF, as well as sea kayak, rock-climb, hike, cycle, and lift. I typically workout 5-6 days a week for 1-2 hours a day. My workouts generally include 20-40 minutes of aerobic activity, bookending about 30-60 minutes of weight training and finished with at least 10-20 minutes of stretching and myofascial release techniques. My career is based on pushing my clients to meet their goals, so I believe that I must do the same for myself. My name is Andrew Fodge, with the first priority as your personal trainer to help you acheive and conquer your fitness goals. You should expect that with working with me on your fitness, that you will see and feel results within the first week. I am proud to be a personal trainer Scottsdale can be proud of.