Personal Tranining and Self Defense.
Alyssa Krug - (801) 830-7692
Orem, Utah 84057
Trains both men and women.
contact trainer
- Strength Building
- Weight Loss
- Rehabilitation
- Yoga
- Aerobics
- Taichi
- Kick Boxing
- Body Sculpting
- bootcamp, and self defense
Training Locations
- home
- work
- outdoor
Personal Trainer Overview
I use many methods from my 15 years of martial arts. I mix MMA, Tai Chi, kick boxing, dance, weight lifting, stability, endurance, flexibility, and cardio and contour a program that is right for you.
Training Philosophy
My philosophy is everyone is different. There is no singular way to get into shape, an individual can look up anything on the internet, books, t.v. It does not mean it will be effective with their body and their lifestyle. My other mantra is "why sit and exercise". I don't like machines, I use free weights, bands, and your own body weight, as well as punching bags.
I have been a personal trainer for seven years. And in that time I have also taught bootcamps, self defense, rape awareness, and crime prevention. I also do security consultations for schools.
Alyssa was born and raised in Orem, Ut. This 6'1 amazon has loved martial arts her entire life, and has had a passion for women's rights, and protecting an individuals body, home, and family. She went to school for Criminal Justice, and hopes to utilize her knowledge by teaching others how to defend themselves, and educate themselves about crime. She is also passionate about fitness, and has had great success with all her trainees. She specializes in weight loss, injuries, and health issues. She uses her knowledge of martial arts to not only get the best workout, and fantastic results, but also to impart knowledge that goes beyond strengthening the body. The tools she gives her clients can be used for the rest of their lives.