Dreams turn to Reality
Aaron Wilkerson - (816)714-4241
Liberty, Missouri 64068
Trains both men and women.
contact trainer
- Strength Building
- Weight Loss
- Rehabilitation
- chronic illnesses, disabilities
Training Locations
- work
- studio
- outdoor
- Certified Fitness Trainer from ISSA. Certified Specialist in Exercise Therapy From ISSA. I am an Athlete Ambassador for Complete Nutrition.
Personal Trainer Overview
I use a mixture of new and old methods to get the results that my clients/patients want or need. The training and exercise therapy that i provide is not just work or a job, but a lifestyle and passion to me.
Training Philosophy
I believe the body achieves what the mind believes. The trainer is your guide,teacher,motivator. Without those factors a training program and trainer are no good. your health and life's longevity depend on a person taking the proper steps in taking care of their body. It is a proven fact that exercise does more than give you the abs you want, it depletes stress, anxiety, depression
I specialize in weight loss, Exercise therapy for chronic illnesses such as Cystic Fibrosis, Fibromyalgia and many others. I work with those who have Different disabilities such as autism, amputations, as well as those who have had injuries from sports, or every day living as well as those with depression, anxiety,
I have always been athletic. It was my release from stress and worries. i played many different sports from soccer and baseball up to my preteen years to wrestling in high school. I took my dedication for fitness with me into my time with the U.S. Navy. I knew that i wanted to take my knowledge of fitness and sports and help people, so i did. I even went as far as testing my programs on myself. I knew if they did not work for me than they will not work for any one else. so i purposely took my weight from 150lbs to 202lbs and used my knowledge to safely bring my weight down to 165lbs and 16% body fat. then i got to thinking here I am doing what i always had a passion for, helping others, what other goals can I set to better myself and achieve more, I decided i am going to obtain a degree in sports science, i also decided that i wanted to compete as a body builder, and I am. When i am faced with a challenge or a goal for myself or some one else I give 250% of everything i have in me to reach those goals.